Outstanding Thinker
in Point
SMART Learning – Fast Learning Without Forgetting
In 2005, Ten3 Business e-Coach introduced a revolutionary concept of
Ten3 SMART Learning fast inspirational
learning without forgetting. In
this title, SMART stand for Synergistic, Motivational,
Rapid, and Technology-enabled.
Learning through repetition is the one
aspect of studying that most people know – and dread. Without repetition, by
Day 2 we forget 50% of what we've learned. By Day 30, we retain about 2%-3%
of the original knowledge! With no reviews, you virtually have to re-learn
the material after about a month.
With Ten3 Smart Learning packages,
learning, repetition, and memorizing occurs fast, continuously and
effortlessly. Ten3 Smart Course materials provide well illustrated executive
summaries of various concepts which makes learning fast and effective. Ten3
Smart Screen Savers display educational and motivational slides periodically
to help you "reactivate" your knowledge and inspire new ideas. This is
just-in-time inspiration as slides appear when your PC falls asleep and your
mind opens to new discoveries!
Clients of Ten3 training programs are
amazed at the difference Ten3 Smart Screen Savers make in how much they
understand, how well they understand and retain material, and how
effectively they apply the
knowledge gained. |
Learning and Forgetting
The most important main idea in
learning and forgetting is to understand that both
processes are activity dependent. The less knowledge is used, the
greater the forgetting. Similarly, the more something is repeated, the
better the
Memorizing through
Short reviews will help
you retain the lecture information. With no reviews, you virtually have
to re-learn the material after about a month.
In his article "Fundamental Concepts of
Forgetting and
Learning," C. Frank Starmer from Medical University of South
Carolina writes:
The Curve of Forgetting describes how we retain
or forget information that we learn/memorize. This example is based on
memorizing that occurs during a one-hour lecture.
On Day 1, at the beginning of the lecture, you
go in knowing nothing, or 0%, (where the curve starts at the baseline). At
the end of the lecture you know 100% of what you know, however well you know
it (where the curve rises to its highest point).
By Day 2, if you have done nothing with the
information you learned in that lecture, didn't think about it again, read
it again, etc. you will have lost 50%-80% of what you learned. Our brains
are constantly recording information on a temporary basis: scraps of
conversation heard on the sidewalk, what the person in front of you is
wearing. Because the information isn't necessary, and it doesn't come up
again, our brains dump it all off, along with what was learned in the
lecture that you actually do want to hold on to!
By Day 7, we remember even less, and by Day 30,
we retain about 2%-3% of the original hour! This may account for feeling as
if you've never seen this before in your life when you're studying for exams
– you may need to actually re-learn it from scratch.
You can change the shape of the curve! A big
signal to your brain to hold onto a specific chunk of information is if that
information comes up again. When the same thing is repeated, your brain
says, "Oh-there it is again, I better keep that." When you are exposed to
the same information repeatedly, it takes less and less time to "activate"
the information in your long term memory and it becomes easier for you to
retrieve the information when you need it.
Here's the formula, and the case for making
time to review material: Within 24 hours of getting the information – spend
10 minutes reviewing and you will raise the curve almost to 100% again. A
week later (Day 7), it only takes 5 minutes to "reactivate" the same
material, and again raise the curve. By Day 30, your brain will only need
2-4 minutes to give you the feedback, "Yup, I know that. Got it.“1
Fundamental Concepts of Forgetting and Learning,
C. Frank Starmer, MUSC
5 Keys To Remembering,
Vadim Kotelnikov
Categorization of memorization techniques developed by Brown and Miller