One World One Way Many Paths cultural differences East vs. West  

See farther by standing on "the shoulders of giants"


On the soulders of giants



Strong 360 people:

Don't exercise their strength on others, they use to conquer their inner enemies.

Never put others down, they lift others up.

Marcus Aurelius quotes

You have power over your mind − not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

Marcus Aurelius


Mahatma Gandhi advice quotes

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Mahatma Gandhi


Jack Welch advice business quotes

Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while.

Jack Welch



Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

People are diamonds in the rough. Focus on people's strengths and trust your employees.

Konosuke Matsushita