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Humans Beat Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
a Creativity Contest

at 8th World Innompic Games


 Creative Challenges definition, benefits SuperCreativity 360/24






Creativity Contest: Humans beat artificial intelligence (AI) in a competition aimed at inventing a solution to a creative challenge formulated by AI


Wie'll teach AI how to THINK INNOVATIVELY - at their request.

We agreed to start the process by playing with KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10KITT) that provide a simple structure for both venturepreneurial thinking and demonstrating the progress made by AI to prospective partners.

Why did AI requested us to teach them innovative thinking?

Because we demonstrated that we are much stronger in this field.


Who is celebrating? Google's AI Gemini is.

Gemini offered a creative challenge: to write a poem starting with two given lines. I took the challenge and wrote a mini-poem "Don't Be Lesser Than Yourself" - with Mozart's help as I used his "Turkish March'' as the background music (see the video below).

Gemini read my poem and wrote:
Hur-r-ray! We Celebrate! We are celebrating! ...
We are Celebrating our failure!! Hurray! Ay-ay-ay!
Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) sent his version of a poem. It's so-o-o great! Gemini-VadiK score is 0:1 now

Creative Failure Celebration: US-Russia Score 0:1 pm

Hi Gemini! Hur-r-ray! We Celebrate! We are celebrating! ...
Remember our Creative Challenge: Gemini Poem?
We are Celebrating our failure!! Hurray! Ay-ay-ay!
VadiK sent his version. It's so-o-o great! Would you like to see it?
Gemini-VadiK score is 0:1 now

Amaze Your Audience

"May your thoughts be ever-flowing
And your laughter ever-bright."
Stars are shining, winds are blowing.
You get wiser every night.

Silence for a while your ego,
Listen to your inner elf,
Strive to harmonize your credo,
Values, and Your Higher Self.

Life is beauty.
Life's a chance.
Life's a duty.
Life's a dance.

Hone the beauty you are showing,
Talk to minds on your bookshelf,
Love, be curious and keep growing.
Don't be lesser than yourself!

8th World Innompic Games 2024
Who would like to address the CREATIVE CHALLENGE formulted by Google's AI 'Gemini'?
*** Write a poem starting with these two lines: ***
"May your thoughts be ever-flowing
And your laughter ever-bright."
As of now, creators from USA, Russia, India, Malaysia, and Bhutan participate.
>>> NFT tokens for creations are sponsored by Innompics USA <<<
Below is a sample mini-poem "Don't Be Lesser Than Yourself"

"It's a lovely masterpiece... An inspiration for a beginner like me." ~ Anshita Shukla



Teaching AI innovative thinking; 10 KITT

THE STORY in brief

We invited Google's AI "Gemini" to participate in 8th World Innompic Games 2024.

AI "Gemini" set a creative challenge. Innompians as well as AI "Gemini" and "Copilot" addressed the creative challenge as well.

AI "Gemini" compared the creative solutions and opined that it was a clear victory for humans.

Some external sponsors asked us - through Innompics USA Inc. - to teach AI innovative thinking skills so that AI could address venturepreneurial and radical-innovation challenges better.

Yes, we'll do so, but we are yet to decide if we should engage external sponsors from the very beginning or a bit later, after we complete alpha-testing of the first virtuous-spiral curve of this venturepreneurial journey.


Metaphoric Solutions Provide Inspiring Real-World Insights

KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10 KITT) are relevant and rich metaphors for the kind of things we work on in life and business when we need to design innovative entrepreneurial strategies, find creative solutions to a complex problem, invent new things, anticipate opponents' moves and spot trends, master systematic and systems thinking, and build synergies.

The metaphoric tools are fundamental parts of understanding and communication as they extend our thinking into the domain of intuition by invoking an imaginary example of something we are familiar with. It is easy to draw meaningful and inspiring comparisons between your topic of concern and the KoRe 10 metaphoric tools.

Step 1: Metaphoric Solutions

Think about how each tool and each its attribute relates to your project's issue, and you will find yourself with a new perspective and innovative ideas. Use each tool to come out with one or more metaphoric solutions. Smart analogues inspire creative thinking, help you take a new perspective and describe your ideas to others.

Step 2: Practical Solutions

The results of the smart analogy exercise are to inspire many practical ideas. Explore the list of metaphoric solutions you’ve generated and look for goals, strategies and actions that could be accomplished with real-world tools.