


KoRe Innovation Guru: Vadim Kotelnikov, free coaching by example, tips


KoRe Innovation Guru is a free set of coaching-by-example highersights and insights by Vadim Kotelnikov, creator of a series of radical and incremental macro-innovations, breathrough value innovations, and innovative thinking supertools.

Guiding you through innovation concepts and practices.

INNOVATION GURU: a quick Banana-based explanation of differences between HARMONY innovation, VALUE innovation, and TECHNOLOGY innovation.

Innovation Guru: harmony, value, technology - metaphoric insight  

Harmony Innovation focuses on the banana tree as a whole.

Value Innovation focuses on the banana fruit as a whole.

Technology Innovation focuses on small components.

Strategic Alignment provided by the innovation system, innovation leaders, and/or the head of growth helps synergize and harmonize all innovations.







Coaching by Example

My 10-3-1 Strengths

Mission-driven Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futurist

Blue-Ocean Innovator

How To Beat AI in Creativity