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Vadim Kotelnikov

Happy vs. Unhappy People

10 Differences


Life Design







Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Your happiness and unhappiness have the same address − it's www.your.mind.

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Knowing the 10 differences between happy and unhappy people will increase your awareness and understanding of what truly leads to happiness and what doesn't. This awareness will help you discard the things that lead to suffering, and accumulate the things that lead to your happiness.




Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Happiness is a two-way road − choose the right lane.

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Unhappy People

Happy People

Wait for something to make them happy

Feel happy now, enjoy every moment of their life

Envy successful people

Admire great achievers, learn from them

Envy what others have

Enjoy what they have

Brooding, vengeful

Understanding, forgiving

Self-focused, antagonistic

Compassionate, loving, sociable


Self-confident, kind, friendly

Negative thinkers

Positive thinkers

Fear change

Create positive change

Hate their job

Love what they do


Creative, innovative



Vadim Kotelnikov

Never let the vanity cacophony mute your life symphony!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim


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Vadim Kotelnikov

Don't search for happiness, create happiness! Everyone is creative, and the best thing you can keep creating for yourself is HAPPINESS.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim


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Happiness Definition Halppiness if the light that flows inside out, not outside in Vadim Kotelnikov Most Useful Dictionary   Happiness is giving Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Innompic Planet of Loving Creators


Vadim Kotelnikov

Love is your Life and Happiness boat in the predaceous sea of Sin and Unhappiness. The bigger your love, the bigger your boat.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim


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