


Alexander Suvorov (1729 – 1800) is a legendary invincible Russian military commander and the author of The Science of Winning. Suvorov won all the battles with least possible losses.






A Historic Link

A student of Suvorov – Kutuzov – defeated Napoleon.




Win with ability, not with numbers.

Alexander Suvorov


Hard in training – easy in a battle.
Easy in training – hard in a battle

Alexander Suvorov


Fight the enemy with the weapons he lacks.

Alexander Suvorov


To surprise the enemy is to defeat him.

Alexander Suvorov



Fortune seized at the right moment brings victory.

Alexander Suvorov


Speed and pressure are the key to victory.

Alexander Suvorov


Speed is needed, but haste is harmful.

Alexander Suvorov


To surprise the enemy is to defeat him.

Alexander Suvorov


It is better to attack a dangerous enemy
than to wait for them to attack you.

Alexander Suvorov


Courage takes fortresses.

Alexander Suvorov



He is no longer cunning, of whom everyone says that he is cunning.

Alexander Suvorov


Train your soldiers well, and give them a pattern yourself.

Alexander Suvorov


No battle can be won in the study,
and theory without practice is dead.

Alexander Suvorov


The bullet is stupid, and the bayonet is smart.

Alexander Suvorov


A scared one is half-defeated.

Alexander Suvorov


The whole world is not worth even one drop of needlessly shed blood.

Alexander Suvorov



As long as the enemy fights he must be beaten relentlessly, but a defeated enemy and especially the civilian population must be treated generously.

Alexander Suvorov