is highly important never to
stop asking "Why? What If?"
questions, even when you think
you are too busy for this...
Especially when you think so!
Once you rid yourself of
conventional thinking you can
get on with creating something
truly innovative.
Yin-Yang of Outside-the-Box
Yin: Listen to the
messages from outside-the-box
Yang: Think and
jump out of the box
The Box
Think Outside the Box |
"Change before you have to,"
Jack Welch. It is better to
create and ride a wave of change
proactively than to be invaded
by a wave of change.
Change begins the moment you get
the courage to step outside your
comfort zone and make the most
important first step into the
The comfort zone is a
psychological state, a
box, in which one feels
familiar, safe, secure, and at
You must step out of your
comfort zone if you want to
change your life or
Achievers stretch their
capabilities by having
courage to step outside
their comfort zone and
addressing challenges.
Laggards bury their
capabilities by making
excuses to stay in their
comfort zone and choosing
the path of least
If you find being outside
your comfort zone great fun
"The further you get away
from yourself, the more
challenging it is. Not to be
in your comfort zone is
great fun."
“If you always do what is
easy and choose the path of
least resistance, you never
step outside your comfort
zone. Great things don’t
come from comfort zones.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light
in the Heart |