Outside-the-box uses of the SWOT matrix
Learning SWOT Questions
Follow a venturepreneurial action with SWOT-structured reflection
Strategic Learning
Jump in and treat all successes and failures as opportunities to learn forward.
Follow a major entrepreneurial action with learning SWOT questions to come up with next-level strategies and actions of a virtuous spiral of growth.
SWOT analysis is an effective strategic planning tool. “SWOT” stands for “Strengths”, “Weaknesses”, “Opportunities” and “Threats”.
Entrepreneurial Strategies
Strategic Experimentation
Successful people, teams, entrepreneurs and Businesses
→ correct or reverse their weaknesses
→ spot and maximize the response to emerging opportunities
→ protect against or overcome threats.
Using SWOT Analysis for Strategic Learning from Feedback
SWOT matrix can also be effectively used as a strategic learning tool for analyzing feedback received from experimentation, beta testing, test marketing of new products and for making strategic decisions.
Examples of Outside-the-Box Uses of Well-known Tools
SWOT Marketing
How To Pitch Six Thinking Hats
Smart & Fast
Amazing Thinker
What went well and why?
What shall we do the same way next time?
What capabilities
Achieve Much More
Reduce Risks
What went badly and why?
What shall we do better next time?
What shall we do radically differently next time?
Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success
Turn Problems to Opportunities
What went unexpectedly well and why?
Are there any new directions or market niches to be explored?
How can we improve our opportunity discovery capabilities in the future?
Look for Opportunities Everywhere
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
What went unexpectedly badly and why?
Why didn't we foresee what happened?
Critical Thinking
To Know Your Enemies, Become Them
Every happening brings about opportunities. Adopt an entrepreneurial attitude to discover them!
Vadim Kotelnikov
Creative Achiever
Disruptive Strategies
Simulation Game
Strategy Innovation
Strategic Flexibility
Dynamic Strategy
SADR Virtual Spiral
Constructive Feedback
Strategic Management
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