Appealing Headline  

Your headline is the first thing your target users see. The headline creates the most powerful first impression.

Appealing headlines help you – and your competitors – grab the attention of your target audience instantly, increase open rates, inspire readers' engagement, and, ultimately, sell more products.




The headline is what gets the attention of internet surfers and makes people want to explore your value proposition.

It creates the most powerful first impression.

A weak headline will cause people to ignore your call for action. An appealing headline will inspire people to click on your e-mail or add.







An attractive headline is the difference that makes the difference.

This slide shows the results of my recent experiments on The experiments were conducted on a pay-per-view platform where the number of visitor is linked to earnings directly.

  Attractive Headline: the difference that makes the difference




How To Create an Appealing Headline

First, understand key drivers of your target audience and then use catchwords that attract their attention.


KoRe 10 Tips for Creating Attractive Headlines






Learn Fast to Stand Out


Teaching by Example



Discover more inspirations, insights, and highersights in these mini-courses:

Digital Marketing

Marketing Rainbow

Result-oriented Communication

  Digital Marketing how to create appealing headlines




How To Write a Magnetic Story

How To Write a Mind-Opening and Exciting Story: KoRe 10 Tips

HIGHERsight and Insight

An Easy Way to turn Business Rules into an Interesting Story

Examples of Mind-Opening Stories