Vadim Kotelnikov

Three Project
Management Functions, Related Activities and Outputs |
Project DefinitionActivities: to determine the purpose, goals, scope, outcomes, and
constraints of the project; to identify
stakeholders, their contribution and needs; to establish basic project
management controls Outputs:
statement of
responsibility matrix;
communication plan
Project PlanningActivities: to estimate resource requirements; to make detailed scheduling;
to create risk profiles; to develop procedures for
and change management; to build the project
team Outputs: task list; network diagram, schedule; budget; resource plan; risk
profiles, risk log, risk management plan; change request form; change
management plan; cost-estimating worksheet
Project Control Activities: to lead the project team; to measure progress; to monitor the
project for new risks; to take corrective action; to communicate progress;
to close out the project Outputs: status reports for different audiences; cost-tracking guidelines;
cost and schedule tracking charts; issues log; change request log; changes
to scope, deliverables, responsibilities, communication plan, project
deliverables; final evaluation close-out report