Strategic and Operational Life Audit and
Style Audit
Life Audit
A life audit a self-reflection exercise, the
highest level of self-audit. Take time to do
a self-audit regularly in order to clarify
your current state as compared with the life
you want to live, your way through life,
what guides you toward your dream life, what
empowers you, what holds you back, and what
distracts you.
Look at your beliefs and values. Identify
limiting beliefs and replace them with
empowering ones. Formulate your noble core
values and let them guide your thoughts,
words and deeds. Hold yourself accountable
to your higher self in order to make
integrity your nature.
Everything can be improved. Adopt a
continuous improvement mindset – look for
opportunities for self-improvement
relentlessly until it becomes a habit and
gets performed on autopilot subconsciously.
Imagine the ideal life experience and strive
to achieve it. Not a single day should go by
without some kind of self-improvement.
Challenge your assumptions. Even if you are
doing well in some area, try to find ways to
achieve more. Keep asking yourself “Why?
What If? Why not now?” questions and take an
action. |
discover your true
divine ‒ self, get rid of all
your attitudes and thoughts that are not nurtured
by love. |
To discover your true ‒ divine ‒ self, get rid of all
your attitudes and thoughts that are not nurtured by love.
Actually, self-discovery is not an event, it is an exciting
lifelong journey. Look at yourself as a sunflower seed: you can
stay as you are, or you can grow yourself into a wonderful
sun-like plant. The bigger the challenge you address, the bigger
your awakening. Stretch your imagination and efforts, and they
will stretch your capabilities and achievements beyond
Two Paradoxical Rules of Your True Self
① You must stop thinking to discover your true self.
② You must be brave to dare to yield to your true self.
Life Intelligence (LQ)
Life Design
Know Your Enemies
Awaken Your Inner Genius
Be Happy
Be GREATbody
Be a Loving Creator
Grow Yourself
Positive Attitudes
Positive Beliefs
Positive Affirmations
Creative Thinker
Subconsious Thinking
KoRe 5 Positive Affirmations (1-minute Life-Design Meditation)
Design Your Life
Stretch Yourself
Inspire Yourself
Change Yourself
Creative Dissatisfaction
Strategic Creativity
Breakthrough Thinker
Create Proactively
Search for Opportunities
Pursue Opportunities
Action Competency
Be a Winner
Time Management
Life Intelligence (LQ)
Life intelligence is the ability to learn and embrace the
wisdom, to discover your true self, and to have the courage to
be your true self and to live a loveful, authentic, meaningful
and virtuous life.
discover your true
divine ‒ self, get rid of all
your attitudes and thoughts that are not nurtured
by love. |
As the blazing fire
reduces wood to ashes, similarly, the fire of Self-knowledge reduces
Karma to ashes. |
Gitta |
I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. |
Lao Tzu |