VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

The Best vs. others

Stand out, disrupt, break rules, innovate

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



In brief, the best ones don't try to fit in,
they break rules (wisely) and stand out.

You can start your 'The Best' journey today,
if you haven't done so yet.




The Best vs. Others SuperSmart Synergize SuperGamification Disrupt Stand Out Stretch The Best The Best vs. Others: stand out, disrupt, break rules and innovate  

Entrepreneurial courage, ambitious proactiveness, and fast implementation differentiate the best from the rest.

The best ones – people and companies – develop HIGHERsight, stretch themselves and dare to move to un uncharted territory.




SuperSmart vs. Smart

Smart ideators brainstorm consciously. Super-smart ideators ideate supersonsciously on autopilot.



SuperConscious Thinking as the Key to SuperSmartness






There are two options in today's rapidly changing world: disrupt or get disrupted. The best ones – world-changers and market leaders – choose to disrupt and create new trends, new customer desires, and radically new markets ("Blue Oceans").


Disruptive Innopreneur

Disruptive Strategist

Ask Learning SWOT Questions






"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower," said Steve Jobs. Innovation is actually a very simple phenomenon. Innovation is about Love: do what you love to do and love your customers.


Market Leadership Strategies

3 Traits of Market Leaders




The Bets vs. the rest - play InnoBall entrepreneurial simulation game