Vadim Kotelnikov

Strategic Thinking

The starting point to strategic achievement

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




"To become an effective strategist requires constant practice in strategic thinking." ~ Kenichi Ohmae





What is Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is the creative and relentless process of teasing out options for action which offer maximum advantage to arrive at an innovative and implementable plan.


3 Strategies of Market Leaders

Enterprise Strategy

Business Strategy




Why Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is a means of introducing a radical innovation or change into an evolutionary process.

Strategic leaders accelerate or guide evolution by taking it to a new level. Competition and co-evolution between perceptions, ideas, and paradigms can be managed and designed to test new business models and ensure that they are robust before and during strategy implementation.


  "The Strategic Game"

Growing Value of Systems Thinking for Business

Strategic Project Management

Strategic vs. Conventional PM



Subconscious Thinking e-book by Vadim Kotelnikov  

Today, innovative business leaders and most strategy experts do not regard strategy as planning but rather as thinking. In a world in which rapid change is a rule, you cannot foresee the future or make plans for the realization of a detailed long-term strategy in any meaningful way.

Strategic Mega-Thinking
is the answer.




Strategic choices are the decisions made by individuals or organizations about how to allocate their resources in order to achieve their vision or strategic goals.


Strategic Choices and Strategic Time Management




Think Innovatively About Strategic Aspects

How can I or my organization / business be more versatile, flexible, and adaptive?

What are the hidden or emerging opportunities which need to be pursued?

What opportunities are likely to emerge in the future? How I or we should change to be able exploit these opportunities?


Futures Thinking



Futures Thinking & Design Thinking







Strategic Management

Strategic thinking starts with identifying changes and taking a strategic position.

The basic approach of strategic thinking is market and customer focus. In the new era of rapid change and unparalleled opportunity, the profitable and sustainable growth will go to the companies whose leaders can see possibilities beyond their traditional served markets.


Predictions for the Year

Opportunity-driven Business Development

Outside-In Company

Pursuing Opportunities: 5 Ws



Head of Growth mini-course strategic thinking  

Head of Growth

Value innovation is the mindset and strategy of market leaders.

Strategic thinking of less successful companies is dominated by the idea of staying ahead of the competition.

Market leaders pay little attention to matching or beating their rivals. Instead, they seek to make their competitors irrelevant through a strategic logic called value innovation.




7 Principles of Strategic Thinking

Focus on your vision to start noticing things related to it.

Focus on the whole, not the parts, find relationships between elements.

Think systemically, combine intuition and data, analytical thinking with synthetical thinking to find system-wide focus... More



Achieve Beyond Initial Aspirations

Strategic Leadership

Guiding Principles

Ask Learning SWOT Questions

Steve Jobs vs. Others





Strategic Thinking Framework: 7 Focus Areas

"Today, most strategy experts do not regard strategy as planning but rather as thinking." ~ Peter Skat-Rørdam

There are no generally applicable recipes for success in business as each business is unique. Effective strategic thinking can be stimulated however by adapting the following framework for the process to the specific situation of your company... More


Strategic Planning

12 Essential Elements

Critical Question Analysis

6 Keys To Effective Strategic Planning Meeting




HIGHERsight  rapid learning course by VadiK trend watching  

Develop HIGHERsight

to be able to
see higher, anticipate farther, understand that others can't,
and manage change better.

Insight focuses on here-and-now.
Highersight focuses on the future.





Strategic Business Design

7 Routes to High Profits

Strategic Design Thinking

Anticipating Challenges

Strategy Management  ▪  Strategic Flexibility

Strategic Motivation  >>  Direction

Structuring a Strategic Alliance: 10 Questions

Rapid Experimentation