

Value Chain Innovation






Quality Control Circles (QCCs)

To involve employees in productivity and efficiency improvement activities, a team-based environment must be developed in which they can participate actively in improving their process, product, or service performance.


Family-like Environment

Team Culture

Questioning Culture

Kaikaku and Kaizen




One such employee participation program is quality control circles (QCCs). QC-circle activities are usually directed towards improvements in the workplace. They focus on such areas as cost, safety and productivity.

"Everybody in an organization has to believe their livelihood is based on the quality of the product they deliver."
~ Lee Iacocca










TQM at Pentel, Japan

▪ Implement TQM involving everybody. A pleasant, meaningful workshop starts with active quality control circles (QCCs) for mutual enlightenment and self-development... More


TQM in Japan

Areas Targeted by TQM in Japan

Japan vs. the West




QCCs in Malaysia

A survey on QCCs by the National Productivity Corporation of Malaysia (MPC) revealed that most of the projects undertaken were related to members' own workplaces, work processes, service delivery, and product development. The vast majority (95.1%) of the respondents said that QCC activities had helped reduce operational costs dramatically.




Innovative and Creative Circles (ICCs)

NPC, Malaysia launched the Innovative and Creative Circle (ICC) Program, which expanded the QCC approach to focus on innovation. It aims at promoting knowledge sharing, creative thinking, value innovation, and cost optimization. MPC organizes the ICC Conventions annually in order to promote and sustain ICC activities. These conventions provide a platform for the industries to learn best practices of other circles as well as to exchange ideas and knowledge on ICC activities.


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