Developing Your Anticipation Skills





Smart ones recognize change

Smarter ones anticipate change

Smartest ones create change

  PTASAS tips Anticpate Change Change Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder and Author of 1000ventures Trend Spotting Tips INNOBALL Strategic Creativity Case Studies Challenge Assumptions Engage Your Subconscious Mind How To Anticipate Change PTASAS Vadim Kotelnikov emfographics



Study the Past to Forecast the Future

"The further backward you look, the further ahead you see," advised Winston Churchill.

Study the past and build new connections to the present if you want to improve your ability to anticipate change and forecast the future.


Futures Thinking



Futures Thinking and Design Thinking




Analyze Trends

Understand the drivers of change. Look at your business from outside in and ask ‒ relentlessly ‒ insightful questions, such as 'What's happening in the marketplace? Where the competitors are heading?'

Love your customers and empathize with them to understand how their needs are changing.


Spotting Trends

Trend-Spotting Tips

New-Year Predictions

Disruptive Strategist

3Bs of Strategic Creativity





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Visualize the Future and Make a Contrastive Analysis

Visualize the big picture of the future, compare it with the current state of things and identify things that differ from one another. Think strategically about your way towards that future. A milestone-based thinking approach will help you anticipate the specific needs of your business.

Question Strategic Assumptions

Any strategic decision or plan is only as good as the strategic assumptions upon which it is based. Consider the situation from many different angles. Allow originality to provoke new images of reality. When an existing paradigm no longer adequately predicts relevant phenomenon, adopt a new paradigm. open your mind and start thinking differently, outside the box.

Engage Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the feeling mind. It reasons inductively, from the specific to the general. It works millions times faster than the conscious mind. The energy in the subconscious mind is inexhaustible. Using the subconscious mind is effortless. Once anticipation became habit ‒ in other words, the task was relegated to the subconscious mind ‒ it became so easy, that you do not have to think about it when you are doing it.



Vadim Kotelnikov

Keep learning forward for if you strop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

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Example of an Amazing Anticipation

Vasistha, a Vedic sage who lived centuries ago in India anticipated the most far-seeing speculations in current cosmology.

Vasistha wrote:  “The entire universe is forever the same as the consciousness that dwells in every atom, even as an ornament is non-different from gold.”





“Cosmic consciousness alone exists now and ever; in it are no worlds, no created beings. That consciousness reflected in itself appears to be creation.”

“This consciousness is not knowable: when it wishes to become the knowable, it is known as the universe.”

“The world exists because consciousness is, and the world is the body of consciousness.”