SuperCreativity 360/24




Vadim Kotelnikov

Subconscious Creativity

Ideate on autopilot

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



The greatest know-how is knowing how
to engage your subconscious mind

because it works millions times faster.





Your super-powerful subconscious mind works millions times faster than your conscious mind.

Know how to awaken and engage it
if you want to become SUPER-CREATIVE.


Super-Creativity A-Z/360 supercreativity course subconscious creativity



Vadim Kotelnikov

Having learned how to engage my subconscious mind, I started making amazing discoveries and inventing innovative solutions every sleep session.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon





Statislavski advice

The main factor of creativeness is the life of a human spirit, their joint feelings and subconscious creation.

Konstantin Stanislavsky


Vadim Kotelnikov

I don't know exactly how I attract divine messages, but I feel that it's a round-trip one-stop flight: Conscious → SubconsciousThe Universe → Subconscious → Conscious

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Super-Creativity A-Z/360 supercreativity course divine subconscious conscious  

It's only when you merge all the three your creativities
conscious, subconscious, and divine – that you become