Do everything you have to do, but not
with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy, but with
love and
compassion. |
Bhagavad Gita |
If you
don't make the world better, why do you
exist at all?
Awaken and
empower your inner loving creator and
harmony master if you
haven't done so yet.
Harmonious Development is a
growth symphony that delights,
inspires, improves
wellbeing and quality of
life, nourishes
peace, joy and
creative collaboration.
There are millions of ways to
tell all people and our planet,
'I love you!'
Love creates us when we create
with love
And pursue
harmonious growth.
Universal laws
Help us stay on course.
We take care of our Mother
Let’s don’t put on the shelf
Higher Self!
Let’s take care of our Mother
Vadim Kotelnikov