"There will only be one standard for corporate success: international market share... The winning corporations – those who can dictate their destiny – will win by finding markets all over the world."


Under Welch's leadership  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book, GE's sales rose by US$60.1 billion within just one year. Over half that increase came from abroad. Welch developed strong, direct and simple principles to increase GE's global sales.

Jack Welch regarded globalization as a three-stage process.

① Going after markets and expanding the company's horizons.

② Globalizing components and products, and sourcing around the world.

③ Globalizing the intellect.

Penetrating Foreign Markets: Main Principles

Move into global markets fast and powerfully.  >>>

Build a solid, domestic base before launching the attack.

Use acquisitions to create or enlarge a bridgehead.

Strengthen under-performing businesses by acquisition and pooling assets.

Concentrate on major businesses where you can win.

Develop local management, and bring expatriates home as soon as possible.

Jack Welch's 5 Strategic Questions