



Set Your Goals

Define what you want and it into your thinking

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo  Vadim Kotelnikov



Innompic Games

The inspiring vision and stretch goals helped me design and launch world-changing Innompic Games as the World's #1 relentless radical value innovator and trend setter.


 Planet of Loving Creators Innompic Games World's best innovators venturepreneursWorld's #1 Innompic GamesTrendsetter Innompic Games 




Inspirational quotes stretch your goals Vadim Kotelnikov  

Set a narrow goal, and you'll reach the ceiling.
Set a stretch goal,
and you'll reach the stars.

 It's not enough just to set goals – you must ingrain them into your thinking. The more intensely you feel about a goal, the more assuredly the goal, buried deep in your subconscious, will direct you along the path to its achievement.




Stretch Your Goals

Stretch goal is an objective that cannot be achieved by incremental or small improvements but requires extending oneself to the limit to be actualized. It is a challenge that is significantly beyond the individual's or organization's current performance level

Inspirational quotes achievement Vadim Kotelnikov Whatever you achieved so far you can achieve millions times more
Stretch Goal - stretch your goals and your goals will stretch you, Vadim Kotelnikov  

Stretch goals
energize you, inspire your entrepreneurial creativity,  and push you to work smarter and harder at meeting more difficult targets and to achieve more than if you had set an easier goal.


Great Achiever





Play Innoball to achieve beyond aspirations

Stretch goals are hard to achieve because you are moving into a terra incognita. Entrepreneurial simulation game INNOBALL can help you not just succeed, but achieve far beyond your aspirations... More




"Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction." ~ Kenichi Ohmae

Personal Goals

Life Vision and Mission

NLP Guidelines    NLP Criteria

Categories of Personal Goals

The Low of Forced Efficiency

How To Achieve Your Goals