


Use Prototypes to Sell Your Ideas to Others


Tom Kelley




 "Persuasion is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do, and to like it." ~ President Eisenhower

Good prototypes don't just communicate – they persuade.



IDEO Tom Kelley creativity innovation quotes

When the project is especially complex, prototyping is a way of making progress when the challenges seem insurmountable.

Tom Kelley




Prototypes beat words and pictures. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a good prototype is worth a thousand pictures.

It if easy to reject a dry report or a flat drawing. But models often surprise, making it easier to change your mind and accept new ideas. Or make hard choices, such as forgoing costly and complex features. Give your management team a report, and it's likely they won't be able to make a crisp decision. But a prototype is almost like a spokesperson for a particular point of view, crystallizing the group's feedback and keeping the things moving.



IDEO Tom Kelley creativity innovation quotes

Use prototypes to sell your ideas to others. Good prototypes don't just communicate – they persuade >>>

Tom Kelley


Benjamin Franklin quotes

Would you persuade,
speak of interest, not of reason.

Benjamin Franklin

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TALE of Persuasion: Trusted source + internal Acceptance + clear Logic + Emotional appeal  >>>

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon