Success 360:

Success Secrets

Systemic Thinking

Focusing on the whole, not the parts, of a complex system




Systematic vs. Systems vs. Systemic Thinking

  • Systemic Thinking – combining analytical thinking with synthetical thinking to find a system-wide focus and gain systemic insights into complex situations and problems.

Two Parts of the Systemic Thinking Process

  1. Analytical Thinking – thinking about the parts or elements of a situation.

  2. Synthetical Thinking – thinking about how those parts or elements work together as a whole.


Master of Business Synergies (MBS)

The Fundamental Assumption of Systemic Thinking

The fundamental assumption on which the systemic thinking concept is based, is that everything is systemic. Everything interacts with (affects and is affected by) the things around it.


Why Systemic Thinking?

Numerous connections are waiting to be discovered today, especially in the business world. We're surrounded by simple and obvious ideas that can increase our income and success dramatically. The problem is that we simply don't see them." ~ Jay Abraham 

Systemic thinking is a simple thinking technique for gaining systemic insights into complex situations and problems.

If you want different outcomes from a situation, you have to change the system that underpins the situation in such a way that it delivers different outputs. In other words, you have to deal with things systemically. You can’t deal with the parts of a situation in isolation; you have to deal with them in concert. You have to deal with both the elements of a situation and how they interact with one another.

Systemic Approach to Strategic Management

The currently dominant view of business strategy – resource-based theory – is based on the view of the company as a collection of capabilities. This view of strategy has a coherence and integrative role that places it well ahead of other mechanisms of strategic decision making... More

Innovation Process: Diversion and Conversion of Ideas

The process of innovation is a rhythm of search and selection, analysis and synthesis, cycles of divergent thinking followed by convergence... More

Business e-Coach KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools

KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools help difference makers invent new things, find creative solutions to complex problems, master systematic and systems thinking, build synergies, anticipate opponents' moves, design an innovative business strategy, train and evaluate the strength of the innovation teams.




1. Systemic Thinking, Gary Bartlett

2. Business Process Management, Howard Smith and Peter Fingar