Leverage Opposite Forces
To be successful in today's complex, rapidly changing and highly competitive world, you must
embrace, manage and
critical opposites.
2 Basic Business
Growth Strategies
To unleash the power of synergized diversities
and achieve greater
identify opposites as inconsistencies and drive them out,
integrate diversities instead.
"This is true on both a personal level (the
balanced manager is more effective than his or her peer at one end of
the control spectrum) and on
organizational level as well... On an organization level we accept the
existence of hard and soft dichotomies because this binary perspective helps
to rationalize personal styles, viewpoints, and structures. Polarized
thinking is simplistic and misleading. In the business world, ideal
approaches are generally painted in gray as opposed to black and white,"
writes Mark Stevens, the author of Extreme Management.
You can
and find a strategic
competitive advantage in an
organizational and
context by seeking to leverage, rather than diminish, opposite forces.
People with different
cultural, educational, scientific, and business
backgrounds will bring
different frames of reference to a
problem and can
spark an exciting and dynamic
cross-pollination of ideas.
Creative Problem Solving:
Switching Perceptions