Vadim Kotelnikov

Innopreneurial Journey

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



From an invention to customer success




Innopreneurial Journey A-to-Z 360 Ksenyia Miss Innovation World Dennis Mister Innovation World e-Coach Vadim Inventive Thinking InnoBall New Product Development NPD: 10 Best Practices Customer Success Creating Customers Innopreneurial Journey A-to-Z 360 invention product sales




Noble innopreneurs are entrepreneurs who are engaged in harmonious innovative activities with a focus on social and environmental impact, embodying values such as love, creativity, and collective progress.

  SuperCreativityInnotheusDennis Proactive Futurist Impactful SuperInnovator as PrometheusInnompic Planet of Loving Creators Pursues Higher Sense Creates Higher ValueBreaks ThroughEvolutionistExpands HorizonsVadim Kotelnikov Innotheus - High-Impact SuperInnovator as Innovation Leader



This concepts "Noble Innopreneur" and "Innotheus" are highlighted in the context of the Innompic Games and Planet of Loving Creators, which aim to unite and inspire people globally to contribute to sustainable development and peace through innovation.





Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer



Entrepreneurial and Make A Difference!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Disruptive Innopreneur is an inventive entrepreneur who creates a radically innovative value, leads a high-growth venture, creates new desires of customers and satisfies them.



Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Willingness and preparedness to take creative and courageous entrepreneurial action and noble risk differentiates entrepreneurs from others.






Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example





Innovate A-Z/360

Entrepreneurial journey is never about just one idea. It's a virtuous spiral of ideas inspired by simulation, experimentations and market learning. Create innovative value, business model, strategies and ways of customer acquisition.



Strengthen Your Business Design

Achieve far beyond Your initial aspirations






Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example





Beware of Risks

Many new products fail in the market, mainly because innovators fail to determine the customer value – actual and perceived – in a systematic, timely and cost-effective way, and prepare for battles with diverse enemies of innovation.


Reduce Entrepreneurial Risks by playing InnoBall simulation game

Ask Learning SWOT Questions




Prepare to Win

As an innovator, you’re venturing into an uncharted territory where you will meet with a lot of diverse enemies on your way of turning an invention into customer value. You will have to adapt your strategies and plans quickly as you go. Get ready to meet all these anticipated and surprise enemies.



Entrepreneurial success prepare to win InnoBall simulation game  

Entrepreneurial simulation games, such as InnoBall, will help you prepare for and win real-life wars.

You will discover new opportunities for growth when you simulate various situations, move to higher levels and come up with new insights and ideas.




Achieving Customer Success

When you create something new to the market, you must create new customers wants and needs too. Think about how you can influence customer perceptions in an effective way.


Entrepreneurial Strategies

Create Customers

How To Pitch Six Thinking Hats




Focus on enthusiasts and intuiters who want to try innovative products before others do. . Address their emotional drivers. Other customers will follow if you win enthusiasts over.


Customers of Innovative Products

Sell Dreams and Emotional Benefits






Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example