Value Chain

Technological Interdependence

Sophistication of new technologies and the increased reliance on the application of new technology by business has produced several different forms of interdependence for companies:

  Systems Thinking value for business VadiK holistic thinking



between industry and R&D institutions and other sources of external research


Shift from Linear to Systemic Innovation




technology chain supply chain, production, and customer relationship management - the application of a new technology in one of these requires changes in the operations of others


Growing Value of Systems Thinking for Business






products and processes the focus of technological advance may shift interconnectedly between one and the other



Synergistic Innovation




new product or service development jointly by several firms through collaborative R&D, and cooperative technology agreements


Systemic Innovation

Technological Innovation





outsourcing of some new product development phases, e.g. product design or rapid prototyping, to specialized firms


IDEO – a leading product design company




different functions within the firm, e.g. manufacturing, distribution, human resources and marketing


Master of Business Synergies (MBS)




overlapping and merging technologies that cause interdependence between previously separate industries, e.g. merging of information technology with communications or entertainment

integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in various business functions and creative activities