
Holistic Thinking

Systems Thinking


Holistic Intelligence

as a Vital Competence of modern Top Managers

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo





HOLISTIC INTELLIGENCE is in growing demand. It is the key to sustainable competitive advantage, business success 360, and economic growth in today's era of systemic innovation and increasingly complex business systems.




Holistic Intelligence business applications systems thinking core competence  

Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge.

Holistic intelligence is your ability to see the 'big picture’, think and act systemically.

Holistic intelligence is a synergistic combination of holistic thinking, holistic comprehension, holistic strategizing, and holistic actions.





Vadim Kotelnikov

Holistic intelligence is a sage, focused intelligences are his students... Few students learn wisely.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim


Business e-Coach   Innompic Games icon   Innoball





Some Enablers of Holistic Intelligence






Holistic metaphors create ‘Aha!’ effect and facilitate holistic intelligence.





For instance, the metaphoric definition of an Entrepreneur as “a gardener who plants a business-idea seed and grows it into a fruit tree” inspires a holistic roots-to-fruits approach to business design of a startup.

  Entrepreneurial Success Startup Tree metaphoric business model




Subconscious Ideation

The greatest know-how is knowing how to engage your subconscious mind because it works millions times faster.

If you haven’t mastered this know-how yet, just give your subconscious mind strong 'Why' and 'What', and it will come back with an amazing 'How' in due course.






Master of Subconscious Thinking ebook by Vadim Kotelnikov download

teachers / trainers




Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Coaching by Example

Vadim Kotelnikov personal brand logo


Innompic Games

Turning the Earth to
the Planet of Loving Creators

Holistic Thinking The Tree Model of Innompic Games



Innompic Games
is a harmonious mega-innovation that is to create a great positive global impact for centuries ahead. To achieve this lasting impact, I design and grow IG holistically by harmonizing and  synergizing IG's 6Ws with the 5 Basic Elements of the Universe.




Lao Tzu advice quotes teachings

Can you step back from your own mind
and thus understand all things?

Lao Tzu



Holistic intelligence is a sage, focused intelligences are his students... Few students learn wisely which creates an opportunity for you to stand out.






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teachers / trainers



Holistc Intelligence big picture holistic thinking


Five Basic Elements. If you wish to establish a well balanced business, organization, or relationships, you must create and maintain a dynamic balance of the five types of energy which are Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, and Wood. The movements of five elements are stable and predictable when they are in balance. You should also keep in mind that the Five Basic Elements are changing, moving, waning, and expanding all the time. Stay in harmony with these changes.

Brainstilling. When you design a new venture, alternate brainstilling and brainstorming to think both holistically and creatively.