Planning, Programming, and
Budgeting System (PPBS)
the Strategic Programming model,
plan development and
implementation takes place in a
straightforward linear fashion.
Strategy Formulation:
based on a preestablished
mission and its corresponding
goals and objectives, you
identify alternative strategies
and evaluate them before
selecting the preferred option.
Strategy Implementation:
implement the strategy
through a tactics described by a
series of increasingly detailed
and shorter range plans,
programs, and budgets. Each
level of plans should have a
corresponding level of budgets
by which adherence to the plans
is enforced.
Conditions That Encourage a
Strategic Programming Approach
to Implementation
Necessity Conditions:
Simplicity; Stability
Motivating Conditions:
Industry Maturity; Capital
Intensity; Tightly Coupled
Operations; External Control
Impediments To Strategy Implementation