Strategic Management:


Strategic Learning

by Individuals, Organizations, and Ecosystems

By: Vadim Kotelnikov

Founder, Ten3 Business e-Coach Inspiration and Innovation Unlimited!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever."  ~ Mahatma Gandhi\



Strategic Achievement Ten3 Business e-Coach: why, what, and how Synergy Strategic Thinking Strategy Innovation Managing Failure Quick Exterimentation Strategic Thinking Synergy Outside-In Company Balanced Approach to Business Systems Searching Questions Continuous Learning Strategic Leadership Intuition Strategic Learning STRATEGIC ACHIEVEMENT: Strategic Thinking x Strategic Learning x Strategic Action

Benefits of Strategic Learning

to Individuals, Organizations, and Ecosystems1

Learning enables individuals, organizations and ecosystems to:

  • change conditioned behavioral routines to be more adaptive;

  • generate and evaluate a wider range of hypotheses about the future;

  • select appropriate mind-tools and environments to enhance their learning, thinking and implementation capability.


Strategic Programming vs. Strategic Learning1

  • In rational strategic programming, strategy formulation is a discrete step that logically precedes strategy implementation.

  • In strategic organizational learning, a firm assumes that it cannot realistically tell in advance how the future will unfold or what will work, and it therefore intertwines formulations and implementation, continually adjusting its strategy as it gains new insights through a trial-and-error process of learning by doing.

Why Strategic Learning?


Strategic learning is the key competency required by your organization if you wish to survive and thrive in the new knowledge economy. It is driven by strategic thinking and focuses on the helicopter view of how your organization adapts to a rapidly changing world and creates its own future.

Corporate Strategy: 2 Logics

Knowledge-based Competition

The need for strategic organizational learning has become more apparent as a form competitive rivalry known as knowledge-based competition has emerged. This emphasis on knowledge as a competitive weapon is entirely in keeping with the currently dominant view of business strategy – resource-based model or resource-based view (RBV) of firms.

The RBV focuses on your organization's internal resources and capabilities as the key to is success and competition. One of the key resources that your organization can draw upon in establishing a sustainable competitive advantage over your rivals is superior knowledge.

3 Strategies of Market Leaders

Learning SWOT Questions

SWOT analysis is an effective strategic planning tool. “SWOT” stands for “Strengths”, “Weaknesses”, “Opportunities” and “Threats”.

Jack Welch's 5 Strategic Questions

SWOT matrix can also be effectively used as a strategic learning tool for analyzing feedback received from experimentation, beta testing, test marketing of new products and for making strategic decisions... More