Systematic Thinking Puzzle & Smartness Test





Who owns zebra?





① There are five houses, each in with a front door of a different color, and inhabited by people of different nationalities, with different pets and drinks. Each person eats a different kind of food.

② The Chinese lives in the house with the red door.

③ The American owns the dog.

④ Coffee is drunk in the house with the green door.

⑤ The Russian drinks tea.

⑥ The house with the green door is immediately to the right (your right) of the house with the ivory door.

⑦ The mushroom-eater owns snails.

⑧ Apples are eaten in the house with the yellow door.

⑨ Milk is drunk in the middle house.

⑩ The Indian lives in the first house on the left.

⑪ The person who eats onions lives in the house next to the person with the fox.

Apples are eaten in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.

⑬ The cake-eater drinks orange juice.

⑭ The German eats bananas.

⑮ The Indian lives next to the house with the blue door.




Who drinks water and who owns zebra?

Excellent result: if you find the both answers within 30 minutes.

The Right Answer

Enlarge the text below to read the answer


Systematic Thinking







The Right Answer

The Indian drinks water. The German owns the zebra.