Examples of Systematic Thinking





Buddha's Path to Liberation

SWOT Analysis

Outside-the-Box Uses of SWOT Model

Learning SWOT Questions

Six Thinking Hats

Problem Solving: the 5-Why Process

Shuttle Diplomacy

ASIT Systematic Inventive Thinking

  Amazing Thinker 360, systematic thinking rapid learning course




Buddha's Path To Liberation

as an example of systematic thinking





From right understanding proceeds right thought;

from right thought proceeds right speech;

from right speech proceeds right action;

from right action proceeds right livelihood;

from right livelihood proceeds right effort;

from right effort proceeds right awareness;

from right awareness proceeds right concentration;

from right concentration proceeds right wisdom;

from right wisdom proceeds right liberation.




The Wheel of Life in the Buddhist Teaching

Buddhism on Happiness


Zen Proverbs





SWOT Model

as an example of systematic thinking





SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is a starting point of strategy formulation.

Learning SWOT Questions is an outside-the-box use of the SWOT model that analyzes the feedback received after an experiment.

  Systematic Thinking example: learning SWOT questions




Six Thinking Hats

as an example of systematic thinking





The Six Thinking Hats proposal analysis tool invented by Edward de Bono is particularly useful for evaluation of innovative and provocative ideas.

The Six Thinking Hats tool encourages parallel thinking and full-spectrum systematic thinking.

  Systematic Thinking example: Six Thinking Hats




KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10KITT)

as an example of systematic thinking





10KITT help invent new things, find creative solutions to complex problems, master systematic thinking, build synergies, anticipate challenges, design entrepreneurial strategies, train, and assess thinking abilities of innovation teams.

  Systematic Thinking example KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10KITT)




Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN)

as an example of systematic thinking





Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN) is a KoRe trademark systemic thinking technique that helps synergize the most promising ideas generated during a brainstorming session in a highly effective way.

  Systematic Thinking example: Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN)




The 5-Why Method

as an example of systematic thinking





The Five Whys is a systematic thinking technique developed by Toyota to solve problems. It is a question-asking method used to explore the cause/effect relationships underlying a particular problem to determine a root cause of a defect or a problem.

  Systematic Thinking example: 5-Why Process for Problem Solving




Shuttle Diplomacy

Shuttle Diplomacy is an effective systematic way of leading win-win negotiations and reaching a wise all-win agreement.


Strategic Win-Win Negotiations

KoRe 3 Elements of a Lasting Peace




Thomas Edison advice quotes invention discovery

It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to put their brains definitely and systematically to work.

Thomas Edison