World Food Forum (WFF)
Recognizing the fundamental need
for inclusive and meaningful
representation of youth in
global food governance, it is
critical to establish structures
that enable youth participation
in policy decision-making spaces
in the agrifood sector.
To enable national-level youth
priorities to feed into global
agrifood policy discussions at
the WFF Youth Action Assembly,
the WFF engaged Members of the
Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) and partners of
the Forum to nominate youth to
participate at the WFF flagship
event in the capacity of Youth
Representatives and Observers.
In essence the programme was
meant to:
① Strengthen youth participation
and co-leadership in policy
decision spaces including at the
WFF Youth Assembly – a
dedicated, sustained,
self-organized and institutional
space for youth in agrifood
systems advocacy and action.
② Provide an opportunity for
youth from under-represented
regions and sectors including
youth from the global south,
young farmers, Indigenous youth
and others, to have a voice and
help shape inclusive policies
that target the most vulnerable