Be a Great Problem Solver
4 Levels of Problem Solving
Fixing a problem is good.
Making it better than it was before is better.
Solving problems creatively is great.
Turning problems to opportunities is the best.
KoRe Thinking Tool
InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) simulation game, among other benefits, helps anticipate challenges and problems ahead and turn them to opportunities
Creating Change
InnoBall helps anticipate challenges ahead, prepare to win, reduce risks, address challenges creatively, and turn anticipated problems to entrepreneurial opportunities
Problems are a part of life and business. Addressing them creatively and turning them to opportunities is the art of life and business.
4 Types of Problems
Problem Solving
Work Backwards
Turn Problems To Opportunities
Creative Problem Solving
Solving People Problems
Selling Is Problem Solving
Divide problems into as many parts as possible and necessary to provide an adequate solution.
René Descartes
Conflict Resolution: 6 Step Process
The No-lose Method for resolving conflicts between people is just a special application of problem solving, involving six separate steps...
Conflict Resolution
Win-Win Approach
NLP Approach
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