

Glossary: Innovation





Scale of Innovation

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Micro- Innovation




Hierarchy of Innovation Innovation e-Coach Harmonious Innovation Harmony Innovation Waltz Up with Everything Soft and Hard Innovation Tactical Innovation Sustainability Innovation Impact Innovation Functional Invention Value Innovation Strategic Innovation Radial Incremental Cross-functional Systemic Holistic Innovation Scale of Innovation Scale of Innovation: Harmonious, MicroInnovation, MacroInnovation



refers to making incremental changes in business processes or technologies that lead to measurable and achievable improvements quickly and at low cost. It often serves as a foundation for larger changes and/or scaling up by demonstrating small successes that can win over internal teams, top management, and shareholders.




Micro-innovation approach allows organizations to implement soft innovations (examples) or new technologies and achieve results without requiring large-scale investments.


Service Innovation

Soft vs. Hard Innovations





Micro-innovation refers to significant changes or advancements that impact a wide range of people and/or processes within an entity.

Unlike micro-innovation, which focuses on optimizing specific products or processes, macro-innovation often involves high-risk, radical changes typically associated with smaller companies or lean start-ups. This type of innovation may require substantial modifications to the organization's structure or operations.


Innovation Guru

Mission-driven Innovations

Impact Innovations

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futuring

Blue-Ocean Innovations



MegaInnovation: Harmonious Mega-Innovation  


MegaInnovation is an large-scale complex venture that is transformational, impacts millions of people, and is applied across many diverse sectors of economy.

Mega-Innovations are led by mission-driven highersighted  mega-innovators.