VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Harmonious Mega-Innovation


Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



How to create  ▪  Coaching by example




Harmonious Mega-Innovation - definition, features, KoRe examples  

Harmonious Mega-Innovation (HarMInn) is an impact innovation that fosters harmonious development and harmonious economy globally in a natural and lasting way.




HarMInn is an innovation-driven large-scale complex venture that impacts lots of people. It is transformational but stays in harmony with the Universal laws and established social systems.

  Harmonious Innovation - harmony of Yin and Yang, Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

All-inclusive love is the key driving force behind harmonious mega-innovation

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Harmonious mega-innovation is a natural product of three loves:

① passion for work
② passion for all people
③ passion for the whole World




Be a Loving Creator

The Loving-Creator attitude will inpower you tremendously. It will nourish your highersight, super-conscious thinking and divine super-creativity.

It will make relentless creation of harmonious value innovations your natural way of living.

  Harmonious innovation loving creator Vadim Kotelnikov





Holistic business design of Innompic Games
that turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators
is a rare example of harmonious mega-innovation




Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators KoRe global innovation  

Innompic Games
is a civilizational breakthrough, new Games for the new World driven by creativity and innovation




Innompic Ecosystem is a harmonious mega-innovation that sets new trends, nurtures innovative entrepreneurs, and boosts growth of world-changing startups.

  Innompiology Vision Holistic Business Design of Innompic Games Value Innovation The Tree of Business Success Global Breakthrough United Innovators Innompics Business Tree of Innompic Games VadiK Planetary Mission IG Way Holistic Business Design of Innompic Games Holistic Business Design of Innompic Games: Tree Model



Mozart quote on genius and love

If only the whole world could feel the power of harmony.




Harmonious Economy




Harmony Harmony vs. Sustainability Circular Economy Harmonious Development Harmonious Growth Harmony Innovation Harmony MegaInnovator Harmonious Economy Vadim Kotelnikov as a Harmony Innovator Universal Laws Balanced Systems Sustainability Creative Collaboration Social Equity Harmony MegaInnovation and Harmonious Economy  

Harmonious Economy emphasizes harmonious growth, positivity, sustainability, harmony innovation, social equity, creative collaboration, balanced systems, and adherence to universal laws. It is a step up from Circular Economy, and two steps up from Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).




Planet-centered Cross-sectoral Strategies

Harmonious Mega-Innovation is applied across several sectors of the economy and is led by harmony mega-innovators.




Harmony MegaInnovator - creator of global harmonious innovations  

Harmony mega-innovators use a holistic development process that puts the well-being of people, organizations and our planet at the centre of innovative strategies and entrepreneurial actions aimed at designing and building a better and sustainable future.





Impact Innopreneurs





Globally thinking innopreneurs are innovative impact entrepreneurs who initiate, design, and implement harmonious mega-innovation ventures. Impact innopreneurs are actors of positive mega-change. They are loving creators, difference-makers, and mega-innovators for a better world.

  Holistic Creativity Brainstorming Brainstilling Creative Visualization HIGHERsight VadiK trademark emfographics 3Bs of Strategic Creativity Vadim Kotelnikov Emfographics See the big picture Assess the Impact