VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Soft Innovation vs. Hard Innovation

Differences  ▪  Value  ▪  Synergy

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

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Hard Innovation is organized R&D characterized by strategic investment in new product development or improvement.

Soft Innovation is the clever, insightful, useful product ideas that just anyone in the organization can think up.





'Hard' innovation is based on extensive and expensive research and development (R&D).

'Soft' innovation is 'street-smart', intuitive, serendipitous type of value innovation.

  Soft Innovation vs. Hard Innovation - example Roller Coaster




Soft Innovation vs. Hard Innovation

Example: Roller Coaster









Soft Innovation definition and boosters  

Soft innovation is inspired by creative challenges and a combination of life experiences, social intelligence, awareness, smartness, cleverness, observation, imagination, innovative thinking, inventiveness, intuition, entrepreneurial serendipity, and ingenuity.





SuperSmart vs. Smart Innovation Journey

Smart hard innovators design their invention and commercialization journey A to Z.

SuperSmart hard-and-soft innovators create new trends and design their innovation journey A-to-Z/360.


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The Value of Soft Innovation

‘Soft’ innovation is at least as important as 'hard' innovation. Hard innovation without soft innovation is rare, soft innovation without hard innovation is common.

The two forms of innovation − hard innovation and soft innovation − are often implemented together. 'Hard' (R&D-based) innovation is more successful when it is implemented in combination with 'soft' innovation. Non-technological innovation contributes to a stronger competitiveness.

Leading companies that create an environment where employees are encouraged and rewarded for making contributions of their street-smarts in order to fuel the company's soft-innovation efforts keep inventing amazing customer experiences.