


"It's not the big that eat the small... it's the fast that eat the slow."

~ Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton


New Product – Fast!

Smart & FAST  Mini-course

100 PowerPoint Slides + 100 half-page Executive Summaries

SMART e-Course

Synergistic, Motivational, Achievement-oriented, Rapid, Technology-powered





1. New Product Development Strategies

10 Best Practices of the Most Successful Companies

Best Practices: Dynamic Strategy Formulation by Silicon Valley Companies

The Need for Strategy Innovation

New Product Types

Managing Your Project Portfolio

Radical vs. Incremental Innovation

Lifestyle vs. Venture Management

5 Critical Success Factors for New Ventures

Venture Strategies: Internal and External Ventures

Success Story: Corning – In-Company Ventures

Best Practices: Venture Acquisitions by Apple

New Product Blueprint

Creating a New Product Blueprint: 6 Components

2. Inventing and Designing a New Product

Five Levels To a Product

Why New Products Fail?

New Product Development (NPD): 7 Stages and 4 Sub-Processes

Engaging Cross-functional Teams

Best Practices: Cross-functional Innovation Teams at Quantum

New Product Development by Cross-functional Teams

Lessons from Dell: Turn Your Customers Into Teachers

Customer-driven Innovation: 7 Practice Tips

Challenging Assumptions

Inventing New Products: 6 Inventive Thinking Techniques

Inventing New Products: Selected TRIZ Principles

SCAMPER Idea Generation Technique

Perfect Brainstorming: 10 Rules

Techniques for Fast Evaluation of Ideas and Decision Making

Idea Evaluation by Weighted Criteria

Innovation Football Simulation Game: Evaluating the Idea and the Team

New Product Design: 5 Stages and Refining Process

7 Reasons for Shifting to New Approaches

Best Practices: New Product Design: 5-Step Methodology by IDEO

Best Practices: Apple's Design Process

Lessons from IDEO: Keeping Eyes Open for Inspiration

New Product Design: Observing People

Radical Innovation: A Different Role of Prototyping

Alpha-Testing and Beta-Testing of a New Product

Success Story: Procter & Gamble Align Probiotics

Beta-Testing: Market Learning and Discovering Customer Values

New-To-The-World Product Development: Keys To Market Learning

DOs and DON'Ts of a Successful Innovator

3. Corporate Innovation System

Corporate Innovation System: 5+1 Element

Inspiring Culture

Creating a Culture for Innovation: 5 Strategies

An Ideal New Product Environment

The Tao of Intellectual Cross-pollination

Facilitating Cross-pollination of Ideas

Managing Innovation Projects: Business Synergies Approach

Milestone-based Thinking

Best Practices: Indiaco's Milestone Program

Measuring Innovation: Benefits, Role, and Practices

New Product Metrics

Best Practices: Innovation Metrics Used by Silicon Valley Firms

4. Innovation Process

Best Practices: Attributes of  Effective Innovation in Silicon Valley

Managing Operations vs. Managing Innovation

Radical Innovation: Key Uncertainties

Radically New Product Development: Key Uncertainties

Specific Skills of Radical Project Managers

Fuzzy Front End

Loose-Tight Leadership

Innovation Process: The Traditional Phase-Gate Model

Innovation Process: Traditional vs. Modern Flexible Model

Project Management: Business Administrations vs. Business Synergies

The Jazz of Innovation

The Jazz of Innovation: Key Components

Creative Chaos Environment

Experimentation – The Key To Discovery

The Jazz of Innovation: 11 Practice Tips

5. Entrepreneurial Organization and People

Entrepreneurial Organization: 10 Characteristics and 5 Benefits

Best Practices: Organizational Structure of Silicon Valley Firms

Inspiring People: 4 Key Strategies

Create a Culture of Questioning

New Product Director

Entrepreneurial Leaders: 4 Specific Attributes

Creative Leadership DOs and DON'Ts

Motivate Innovators

Best Practices: Rewarding Innovative Behavior in Silicon Valley Firms

6. Business Model and Marketing Strategies

Business Model: 6+1 Components

Success Story: Dell Inc. – New Business Model

Success Story: – Creating Competitive Advantage

Strategic Alliances

Mutual Creativity in Business Partnerships

Customer Value Proposition

Success Story: Xerox – Innovative Revenue Model

Market Development Trend

Lessons from Steve Jobs: Sell Dreams and Emotional Benefits

Brand Building and New Product Marketing

Barriers To Market Entry

Differentiation Strategy: 3 Parts and 4 Steps

Weak and Strong Differentiation Strategies

Success Story: – Creative Buzz Marketing

Yin-Yang of Value Innovation

7. Fast To Market

First To Market: Importance and Tactics

Fast Company: 4 Components

Success Story: Charles Schwab – Fast Company

Best Practices: Charles Schwab – Establishing Guiding Principles

Launching a Crusade

Owning Your Competitive Advantage

Lessons from Jack Welch: Simplify

Lessons from Silicon valley Firms: Creating a Relentless Growth Attitude

 Sample Ten3 SMART Lessons  (Slide + Executive Summary)


New-to-the-World Product Development Product Innovation Ten3 Business e-Coach: why, what, and how Knowing Your Customer Radical Innovation vs. Incremental Innovation New Product Development Product Innovation: New Product Development and New Product Types


Product: a Broad Definition

According to Phillip Kotler, a product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Thus, a product may be a physical good, retail store, person, organization, place, or idea.

Product / Service Innovation Defined

Product/service innovation is the result of bringing to life a new way to solve the customer's problem – through a new product or service development – that benefits both the customer and the sponsoring company.

Defining the Scope and Time Frame of Product Innovation Required

According to Peter Drucker, the following four questions must be answered to define how much innovation is required, in what areas and in what time frame:
How much longer will this product still grow?
How much longer will it maintain itself in the marketplace?
How soon can it be expected to age and decline – and how fast?
When will it become obsolescent?

Product Roadmap

Product roadmaps define new product and service initiatives within a market of technology context. They embody a large percentage of the corporate strategy and provide a degree of tangibility that helps bring together other choices in direction, technology, marketing and so forth to the surface. Furthermore, starting with product roadmaps forces people to be explicit about how their ideas translate into new products or services. It is vital for developing product roadmaps to discover assumptions beneath the selection of products.

New Product Development: Critical Milestones

Searching for opportunities, both internally and externally (spotting trends, observing people) – Brainstorming – Initial design – Prototyping – Test marketing – Final design – Manufacturing


Fast Company Fast Thinking Fast Decision Making Fast to Market Sustaining Speed Anticipating Spotting Trends Brainstorming Letting the Best Idea Win Setting Rules and Guiding Principles Getting Rid of Bureaucracy Constantly Reassessing Past Decisions Launching a Crusade Owning Competitive Advantage Institutionalizing Innovation: Innovation System Simplicity Growth Attitude Managing Creativity Roadmapping Staying Close to the Customer: Customer Partnership Boundarylessness Self-confidence Ten3 Business e-Coach: why, what, and how Business Process Management System (BPMS) Fast Company: Fast Thinking, Fast Decision-making, Fast to market, Sustaining Speed


Achieving and Maintaining Speed – the Key to Success

In the new economy where everything is moving faster and it's only going to get faster, the new mantra is, Do it more with less and do it faster. In order to get real speed decisions at virtually every level must be made in minutes, not days or weeks. Decisions also have to be made face-to-face, not memo-to-memo. This means that people have to think on their feet, and that the forests of meaningless paper trails and approvals – so common in large organizations – must be eliminated.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Venture values are different from established corporate shared values. Entrepreneurial independence demands space for action and trust, while independence in a corporation implies responsibility and control imposed from above. Entrepreneurial speed demands agility, experimentation, adaptation, and rapid response in order to be first to market. Corporate experimentation comprises analysis, review, sober consideration of facts, and willingness sacrifice speed for thoroughness.

Moving with Speed: The Four Components

Fast thinking: anticipating the future, spotting trends before others, challenging assumptions, and creating a corporate environment where the best idea – regardless of origin – wins.

Fast decision-making: establishing corporate guiding principles, blowing off stifling bureaucratic structures, shuffling portfolios, constantly reassessing everything, and matching the decision to the consequence.

Fast to market: removing in-built speed-breakers, abandoning traditional visions and missions and launching a crusade instead, owning and exploiting your competitive advantage, getting vendors and suppliers operating on your timetable, staying beneath the radar, and building virtuous circles of speed.

Sustaining speed: maintaining velocity through working on your business, injecting the relentless growth attitude into the firm, being ruthless with resources, building a scoreboard that measures activity, staying financially flexible, proving the math, institutionalizing innovation, and staying close to the customer.


New-to-the -World Product Development Experimentation Radical Innovation Market Research Prototyping


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