1. Balancing Order and Chaos
Creative Chaos and Improvisation Within
a Guiding Structure
Chaos Environment
The Tao of
Managing Innovation vs. Managing
What Is
More Important: Plan or Planning?
Practices: Dynamic Strategy Formulation by Silicon
Valley Companies
The Jazz
of Innovation: 11 Practice Tips
Loose-Tight Leadership
The Jazz of Innovation: Key Components
2. Creating a Guiding Structure
Defining Innovation
Areas and Strategies
Systemic Approach to Innovation: 7
Interwoven Areas
Creating Cross-functional Teams
Launching a Crusade
Organizing Rapid Opportunity Search
Product Innovation: New Product Types
Radical vs. Incremental Innovation
Noble Failure as Defined by Charles
Business Model: 6 Components
Building Strategic Alliances
Building an
Innovation System
Corporate Innovation System: 5+1
Creating a Culture for Innovation: 5
Inspiring Culture
Best Practices:
Building a Growth Culture as Dell Computers
Strategic Intent
from Jack Welch: Instill Confidence
Engaging Cross-functional Innovation
Teamwork: The Keys To Team Success
Building a Team Culture: 10 Action
Areas and Key Benefits
Managing Knowledge Workers
Innovation Process: Flexible Model
Milestone-based Thinking
from Silicon Valley Firms: Measuring Innovation
Fast Company
Owning Your Competitive Advantage
Setting Rules for
Evaluation and Selection of Ideas
Managing the Flow of Ideas
Techniques for Fast Evaluation of Ideas
and Decision Making
Using 80/20 Principle for Idea
Corporate Guiding Principles
Best Practices:
Charles Schwab
Idea Evaluation by Weighted Criteria
Idea Evaluation: 4×2 Perceptual
6 Thinking Hats
3. Unleashing the Power of Improvisation
Leading the
Innovation Team
Specific Attributes of Entrepreneurial
Nourish the Entrepreneurial Spirit
Create Hot Teams, Not Dull Teams
9 Roles of a Team Leader
The 10 Key Project Leader Skills
Leadership-Management Synergy
Inspirational Leadership: 10 Roles
Creative Leadership
Creative Leadership DOs and DON'Ts
How To Lead Creative People: 8 Creative
Leadership Tips
Strategic Achievement
New Product Development by
Cross-functional Teams
Attitude Motivation
Energizing People
Best Practices:
Silicon Valley – The Fun
Entrepreneurial Creativity
Entrepreneurial Creativity: Action
Be Different and Make a Difference!
Entrepreneurial Creativity: 4
Intertwined Pillars
Creating a Culture of Questioning
Challenging Assumptions
Outside the Box
Tips for Adopting a Different Point of
Turning Accidental Discoveries Into a
from IDEO: New Product Design
The Tao of Intellectual
Facilitating Cross-pollination of Ideas
Creative Problem Solving (CPS):
The Tao of Effective Brainstorming
Perfect Brainstorming: 10 Rules
Take Risk!
From Noble Failures To Innovations
Turning Failures Into Opportunities
The Tao of Entrepreneurial Creativity
Facilitating Rapid
Experimentation – The Key To Discovery
Preparing from Rapid Experimentation: 4
The Virtuous Circle of Experimentation
Learning SWOT Questions
Radical Innovation: Key Uncertainties
7 Challenges in Managing Radical
A Different Role of Prototyping
Keys to Successful Market Learning
Yin and Yang of the
Jazz of Innovation |
Sample Smart & Fast Lessons
+ Executive Summary

The Jazz of
To jazz up your ability to
innovate, turn to jazz – create a clear guiding structure,
establish a creative chaos environment within this structure to
liberate people and trigger accidental discoveries, and
encourage improvisation.
There is a clear structure to good
jazz. Similarly, the flexible improvisation-driven model for
innovation project management encourages improvisation within a
guiding structure. In innovation, this structure is created
through roadmaps, guiding principles, business processes,
systems and organizational charts. Strategic-planning and
road-mapping processes cannot guarantee brilliant flashes of
creative insight, but they can prepare minds and increase the
odds that such flashes occur in real time. Thus structure, as
chords do in jazz, serves as a basis for improvisation,
experimentations, discoveries and innovation.
The "Inherent
Sloppiness" of Innovation
Tom Peters researched many
innovative companies and had been impressed in his researches by
the "inherent sloppiness" of innovation. The "messy world", or
the "creative chaos environment", is its "given precondition".
The necessary solution has three parts, each one leading on to
the next: experimentation, champions, and decentralized bands.
To take advantage of that “inherent sloppiness” of innovation,
managers must generate the right climate for creativity,
experimentation, and individualism, and encourage iconoclasts
and rule-breakers.
Case in Point:
IDEO – Designed Chaos and Hands-Off Management
Fast Company magazine calls IDEO
"the world's most celebrated design firm.“ When David Kelley
began IDEO, he was determined to forego the structural demands
of big corporations and refused to install a management
hierarchy. His first order of business was to create an
environment in which his workers would be happy and free to
think creatively. Mostly, Kelley's style is hands-off, allowing
employees to become their own bosses. At IDEO, there is no
corporate hierarchy and no management structure. Employees are
invited, not ordered, to attend meetings, and can also decide
where they want to work and can tell the CEO what they really
think of his ideas. Out of this chaos have come products that
have made a deep impact on society. (Virtual Advisor Inc.)

and much more! |