Vadim Kotelnikov on Creative Challenge

Creative Challenge

Definition, value, benefits, examples

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



A creative challenge is a task or series of tasks designed to stimulate creativity, encourage consistent creation of new ideas, inspire invention of innovative solutions, and facilitate accelerated learning by innovators and aspiring achievers.

  Creative Challenge as a creativity booster



Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of HUMANITY Games speaker on motivation

A holy place should not be just a destination of a journey – the whole journey should be a holy place.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Creative challenges are great boosters of creativity "under the gun". Handle creative challenges as a partner dance and waltz up with them innovatively towards your stretch goal.










Innompic Games & HUMANITY Games

Innompic Games and HUMANITY Games as proactive futuring tools formulate creative challenges, inspire players to handle these creative challenges as a treasure trove of growth opportunities, and teach participants to develop highersight and waltz up with discovered opportunities in an innopreneurial fashion towards a noble vision and stretch goals.



CArete Games


Achieve Much More

Proactive Futuring






Daily Creative Challenges

Daily creative challenges can include prompts that push participants to create artwork, videos, or written pieces, helping to build a habit of creativity and superconscious ideation of autopilot over time.



Creativity Perpetuum Mobile

Productive Creativity










In an Entrepreneurial Fashion

The phrase "in an entrepreneurial fashion" refers to thinking and acting in a way that demonstrates value creation, innovation, resourcefulness, and a proactive approach typically associated with entrepreneurs. It emphasizes qualities such as risk-taking, problem-solving, and the ability to identify and seize opportunities, which can be valuable assets in a business context.


Entrepreneurial Attributes

Entrepreneurial Creativity

Entrepreneurial Serendipity

Entrepreneurial Action