Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

There are knowledgeable people, and there are wise people. Knowledgeable people are those who know a lot. Wise people are those who understand what they know.

Mikhail Zadornov



Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

“It’s impossible,” said Reason, “It’s useless,” said Laziness, “It’s reckless,” said Experience, “I’ll try,” whispered Dream.

Mikhail Zadornov



Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

There are three manifestations of God on earth: nature, love and a sense of humor. Nature helps you live, love helps you survive, and a sense of humor helps you overcome.

Mikhail Zadornov



Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

Without love in the heart, any strength of a person turns into his vice.

Mikhail Zadornov




Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

The shortest joke about the USA:

McDonald's is a restaurant.

Mikhail Zadornov


Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

It is easier for us to invent an all-terrain vehicle than to repair roads.

Mikhail Zadornov



Mikhail Zadornov humorous quotes Russian humor jokes

The last hope of Russian football is Russian hockey.

Mikhail Zadornov



People who don't know the past don't care about the future.

There is only one happiness, but there are many troubles.

Miracles happen, but you have to work hard to achieve them.

"Fat man" sounds offensive. We should say “horizontally oriented”.

What a drunk woman has on her mind, a drunk man is unlikely to be able to do.

A model is not a woman, it is a model of a woman.

Doctors' dream is for the poor to never get sick and the rich to never get well.

There are no unsolvable problems! To solve any problem, you must first dare to solve it.

The only way to force thieves to obey laws is to legalize theft.

If you are insulted, never insult back. In fact, if a dog barks at you, you don’t bark back!

You need to find time for friendship. You need to find a place for love.

I wonder why Americans show the middle finger, and Russians show their hand up to the elbow?

Only a Russian person, if allowed to do whatever he wants, will do nothing at all.

It is easier for us to invent an all-terrain vehicle than to repair roads.


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