Each time you choose reflection
over anger and
love over revenge
you grow wiser and
Kotelnikov |
Win wisely – conquer your
Conquering yourself helps you grow wiser and brings lasting
happiness. |
Those who
know don't talk,
those who talk don't know. |
Lao Tzu |
Buddha's Path To Liberation |
Buddha |
There are knowledgeable people, and
there are wise people. Knowledgeable people are those who know a
lot. Wise people are those who
understand what they know. |
Zadornov |
would trade all of my technology
for an afternoon with Socrates.
Steve Jobs |
If you would be a real
seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once
in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. |
René Descartes |
The truest wisdom is a resolute
determination. |
Napoleon |