If you create something
unseen before, prepare to
address challenges unmet
earlier. |
InnoBall is a
venturepreneurial simulation
game that helps design and
implement breakthroughs
successfully. |
Launching a
innovation / change / entrepreneurial project without playing
InnoBall is like starting a football game naively believing that the
opposing team does not exist.
You must prepare to win! |
Business case development
is a step companies use for
project selection.
analyzes how fulfilling the
business case for the project
will help to
implement the corporate strategy
and sustain the
competitive advantage of the
The business case can further be
developed into the business plan
with the addition of more
You can convert the business case to
action steps and major milestones in order to develop a plan that
will guide your venture through the entire project lifecycle,
including that of the
project outcome. |
Market, Customers, and Competition
Market analysis. InnoBall helps to spot more trends; identify
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT
analysis) far beyond a Plan B,
C, or D; create stronger market
segmentation; and ultimately define
critical success factors far better.
Customer. InnoBall helps to create more customer
needs and more
Competition. InnoBall helps to identify more direct, indirect and
new competitors, anticipate their countermoves and invent winning
contingency plans and competitive strategies.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Innoball helps to develop a stronger revenue model and profit
generation strategies, and to prepare a more realistic financial
analysis. The simulation game helps also to reduce assumptions about
financial model, market, competition, technology and business
environment. |
Sensitivity, Risks, and Contingencies
InnoBall helps to discover new critical factors and their influence
on the results of the venture, identify and
manage risks, develop
effective contingency plans,
anticipate challenges and turn
challenges to business
opportunities. |