Know what to say with your body
language and how to say it
Mastering body language can help you
→ communicate better and faster;
→ be mindful of what your face and
body are conveying nonverbally;
→ eliminate language barriers;
→ understand others better;
→ build relationships; |
Body language plays a very
important role in communication
in both life and
business. "Body language
accounts for more than half of
what other people respond to and
make assumptions about when they
connecting with you. And more
often than not, you're not
consciously thinking about it.
By becoming conscious, you're
50% ahead of the game," says
Nicholas Boothman.
attitude is the first thing people pick up on. Attitude is
infectious. Before you say a word, your attitudes can infect the
people who see you with the same behavior. Somehow just by looking
or feeling, you can be infected by another person's attitude, and
vice versa. |
People who are in
rapport unconsciously
synchronize their body language
and their vocal characteristics.
"When you deliberately
synchronize your body
language with another's,
amazing connections can
happen. Our response to
synchronization is a
function of our
predisposition to
reciprocate behavior. It's
hardwired into the human
brain, "
says Nicholas Boothman, the
author of How To Connect in Business in 90 Seconds
or Less.
During a radio interview
with Nicholas Boothman, the
host told him, "I read your
book over the weekend. On
Sunday night, my husband
took me out to dinner, so I
decided to try out your
synchronizing exercise with
someone in the restaurant to
see what would happen. I was
a little skeptical."
She went on to explain that
sitting about three tables
away was a slightly older
couple. The woman was more
or less facing in her
direction, but they never
made eye contact. "For about
twenty minutes I gently
synchronized her overall
body language and posture.
When she moved, I moved;
when she shifted her weight
from one elbow to the other,
I followed. I did it all
without ever looking
directly at her. And then an
incredible thing happened.
The woman got up from the
table and came over to me.
'Excuse me,' she said, 'but
I'm sure I know you.' I was
blown away."
Mirroring in NLP
NLP, conscious
synchronization of body language
is called "mirroring".
Mirroring is based on the idea
that we are more likely to trust
and connect with people who are
similar to us. By copying the
other person's body language and
language patterns, we
subconsciously signal that we
are on the same wavelength and
understand them.