KoRe Tolls


Impactful Communication






Pieces of art created jointly with my son Dennis,
an actor, singer, and Mister Innovation World award winner


When you are singing be the song Dennis Kotelnikov Russian singer


People intelligence how to understand others empathy VadiK Dennis

Dennis Kotelnikov Russian actor and singer first-impression card

Dennis Kotelnikov Mister Innovation World award winner

Create 360! Be super-creative! Think creatively, act creatively, live creatively, grow creatively!






Love is more important than life Dennis MesIm VadiKBest success quotes Failure is a teacher VadiK KoRe Dictionary





Videos with Dennis Kotelnikov

AmaThe startup success story

Song 'I Have a Difference To Make!'





Negotiation is dance Wini-Win solution Vadim Kotelnikov quotesBeauty kindness quotes Vadim Kotelnikov S/he is beautiful who is kind

Dream big dreams, never give up, achieve impossiblePassion quotes: Love what you do to get inspired Denis Kotelnikov

The Power of Right Words messageful image Dennis VadiK

Laconic Writing - write less but impactfully VadiK emfographics

Pessimists vs. Optimists storm quotes Vadim Kotelnikov Dennis

Humorous messageful image on problem solving | Vadim Kotelnikov

How to see farther Stand on the shoulders of giants VadiK Dennis

Enlightenment Divine messages from the Universe VadiK MesIm Denis