Synergize human passion and imagination with awareness and productivity of artificial intelligence





AI-powered Copywriting:  human imagination and productivity of AI





Mozart quote on genius and love

A lofty degree of intelligence does not make genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.



Anton Chekhov - quotes by the most famous playwright, Russian theatre

The task of a writer is not to solve the problem but to state the problem correctly.

Anton Chekhov


Vadim Kotelnikov

Artificial intelligence (AI) has neither passion nor imagination, it is not a genius, but it is an informed, productive, and empowering assistant.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




Companions, Not Competitors




Humans vs. AI: Artful vs, Artificial Creations  

A human copywriter and artificial intelligence (AI) are companions, not competitors.

AI-generated content is not memorable because it lacks an emotional angle. It is  soulless and can engage those only who love to smell artificial flowers.




Yet, AI is a great helper that can boost productivity of a human copywriter. Human copywriters are far greater engagers because they have heart and soul who can talk with hearts and souls of readers. They can care and empathize passionately.



AIDA Model

AI-powered Marketing




Complementary Advantages





A human copywriter with heart and soul is an original author, an artful creator, and a caring engager with a personal touch.
AI is a quick and inspiring helper, first drafter, summarizer, proofreader, and editor.

AI can summarize lengthy blogs and research articles quickly for you. This is a great knowledge-hacking tool of a copywriter. You can also use the summary-writing ability of AI to refresh or repurpose your own old content.


Content Marketing

Creative Experiments with AI as a Writer

Creative Ways to Use ChatGPT in Affiliate Marketing

The Danger of Delegating Too Much to Artificial Intelligence (AI)






3 Tips for Synergizing Core Competencies of Humans and AI





 ① Invite AI to write with you, not for you. If you delegate copywriting to soulless AI altogether the tree of your business will wither.

② AI can create a rough first draft. A person can use it as a seed to grow into a fruit tree creatively and passionately.

③ Use AI as a creativity booster.

  AI-powered Writing - from sand through gold sand to pure gold


Valdim Kotelnikov, great writer, a loving creator

"Write little but impactfully. Write in a way that makes your audience want you to write more, not less."

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


 Give AI keywords or a topic and ask it to generate an essay you could edit and refine in your style and voice.

After having edited and refined the text, ask yourself: Is it pure gold or gold sand?

Remove all sand, if any.