Creative Experiments with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Writer






Examples of Writings by AI

Creativity Contest: AI vs. Humans

'Don't Be Lesser than Yourself'

Songs: AI-generated To-Do Lists

I Have a Difference To Make!

Imagine   ▪  The Thrill Is Gone

My Way   ▪  Give Me One Reason

AI about Innompic Games (IG)

Elevator Speech Summary ▪ Article ▪ e-Mail

Innompic Games were invented as an intellectual counterpart to Olympic Games, a civilizational breakthrough, and a global trend setter.

The vision of Innompic Games is to transform Earth into a planet of loving creators. The slogan for Innompic Games is 'United Innovators' with a value mantra of 'Learn, Create, Thrive.'... More


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Human Intelligence (HI) vs. AI: Competitive Advantages

Limitations of AI

Artificial Quasi-Intelligence (AqI)

Ai-powered Writing

AI-powered Copywriting

AI Generation

Danger of Overdelegation to AI



Experimentation Quotes





The Summary
of the results of creative experiments with
artificial intelligence (AI) as a writer




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like money
– it is a good servant but a bad master

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Artificial intelligence (AI)
is currently a quasi-intelligence (AqI). It lacks imagination and supercreativity.

AI cannot love, it has no passion and thus can produce 'artificial flowers' only.

AI is an all-seeing assistant but a blind leader.





How To Craft Content That Doesn't Sound Like A Robot

By: Ryan Deiss, Co-Founder & CEO, DigitalMarketer





Have you ever read an AI-generated article and thought, "Wow, this sounds like it was written by a toaster that achieved sentience"?

Yeah, it ain't pretty.

Herewith, I'm handing you my 5 favorite tips for using ChatGPT to create content so good, people will think you've got a Pulitzer Prize winner on your payroll.

Here's how:

Start With A Killer Prompt

Garbage in, garbage out. If you want gold, you gotta dig for it. Your prompt is your shovel. Make it sharp.

Instead of: "Write an article about social media marketing"

Try something like: "Craft a witty and engaging blog post titled '5 Social Media Stunts That Backfired Spectacularly (And What We Can Learn From Them)'. Narrate it from the perspective of a battle-hardened social media manager who's seen it all. Include real-world examples of social media campaigns gone wrong, the ensuing online chaos, and the facepalm moments that followed. Sprinkle in some industry insights, a dash of 'I-can't-believe-they-actually-did-that' disbelief, and actionable takeaways for readers. Oh, and don't forget to throw in a few social media puns that are so bad, they're good."




See the difference?

You're not just asking for content; you're setting the stage, creating a compelling narrative, and defining the tone.

Pro Tip:

Include phrases like "use analogies," "include personal anecdotes," or "explain this like you're talking to a friend over coffee" in your prompts. It helps ChatGPT break out of its robot shell.

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Chunk It Up

Rome wasn't built in a day, and your magnum opus shouldn't be generated in one prompt.

Break. It. Down.

Start with an outline. Then, tackle each section individually. This allows you to:

Maintain control over the flow

Inject your own ideas between sections

Ensure each part is top-notch before moving on

It's like building with LEGO. One brick at a time, and before you know it, you've got a Batmobile.

The "Explain It Like I'm Five" Technique

Wanna know a secret?

The best writers aren't necessarily the smartest. They're the ones who can explain complex ideas simply.

After you get your initial content from ChatGPT, hit it with this:
"Great. Now explain this concept like you're talking to a 5-year-old."

The result? Content that's simple, relatable, and engaging. You know, like a human would write.




The Metaphor Magic Trick

Nothing says "written by a human" quite like a well-placed metaphor or analogy.

ChatGPT can generate these, but they often need a human touch to really sing.

Try this prompt: "Generate 5 unique metaphors to explain [your topic]. Make them witty and unexpected."

Then, pick your favorite and weave it through your content.

  Digital Marketing slides-deck rapid-learning course



The "Voice Cloning" Method

Yes, ChatGPT can write in the style of anyone past and present. But we don't want it sounding like someone else. We want it sounding like YOU.

This is why, alongside your prompts, you feed it examples of your previous writing.

Saying phrases like "Remember to follow the language, tone, and style of the attached examples."

The more you feed it, the better it gets.



Content Marketing

An Easy Way to turn Business Rules into an Interesting Story

How To Write a Magnetic Story

Examples of Eye-Opening Stories