What must human beings be, to
destroy what they can never
Nothing can be accomplished by
logic and ethics.
Let us learn to appreciate there
will be times when the trees
will be bare, and look forward
to the time when we may pick the
silly things. Foolishness is a
great deal more vital and
healthy than our straining and
striving after a meaningful
think human beings must have
faith or must look for faith,
otherwise our life is empty,
empty. To live and not to know
why the cranes fly, why children
are born, why there are stars in
the sky. You must know why you
are alive, or else everything is
nonsense, just blowing in the
Man is what he believes.
Man will become better when you
show him what he is like.
In all the universe nothing
remains permanent and unchanged
but the spirit.
The feelings that we experience
when we are in love represent a
normal state. Being in love
shows a person who he should be.
Only one who loves can remember
so well.
Only during hard times do people
come to understand how difficult
it is to be master of their
feelings and thoughts.
Be sure not to discuss your
hero's state of mind. Make it
clear from his actions.
If ever my life can be of any
use to you, come and claim it.
If you are afraid of loneliness,
don't marry.
Don't tell me the moon is
shining; show me the glint of
light on broken glass.
There should be more sincerity
and heart in human relations,
more silence and simplicity in
our interactions.
Any idiot can face a crisis;
it's this day-to-day living that
wears you out.
The world is, of course, nothing
but our conception of it.
Perhaps man has a hundred
senses, and when he dies only
the five senses that we know
perish with him, and the other
ninety-five remain alive.
Wisdom.... comes not from age,
but from education and learning.
Knowledge is of no value unless
you put it into practice.
Only fools and charlatans know
everything and understand
A good upbringing means not that
you won't spill sauce on the
tablecloth, but that you won't
notice it when someone else
These people have learned not
from books, but in the fields,
in the wood, on the river bank.
Their teachers have been the
birds themselves, when they sang
to them, the sun when it left a
glow of crimson behind it at
setting, the very trees, and
wild herbs.
They say philosophers and wise
men are indifferent. Wrong.
Indifference is a paralysis of
the soul, a premature death.
There are a great many opinions
in this world, and a good half
of them are professed by people
who have never been in trouble.
A woman can become a man's
friend only in the following
stages - first an acquantaince,
next a mistress, and only then a
I don't want to understand you.
You have lost your reason and
taken the wrong path. You have
taken lies for truth, and
hideousness for beauty.
You must trust and believe in
people or life becomes
Love, friendship and respect do
not unite people as much as a
common hatred for something.
“Civilized people must, I
believe, satisfy the following
1) They respect human beings as
individuals and are therefore
always tolerant, gentle,
courteous and amenable ... They
do not create scenes over a
hammer or a mislaid eraser; they
do not make you feel they are
conferring a great benefit on
you when they live with you, and
they don't make a scandal when
they leave.
2) They have compassion for
other people besides beggars and
cats. Their hearts suffer the
pain of what is hidden to the
naked eye.
3) They respect other people's
property, and therefore pay
their debts.
4) They are not devious, and
they fear lies as they fear
fire. They don't tell lies even
in the most trivial matters. To
lie to someone is to insult
them, and the liar is diminished
in the eyes of the person he
lies to. Civilized people don't
put on airs; they behave in the
street as they would at home,
they don't show off to impress
their juniors.
5) They don't run themselves
down in order to provoke the
sympathy of others. They don't
play on other people's
heartstrings to be sighed over
and cosseted ... that sort of
thing is just cheap striving for
effects, it's vulgar, old hat
and false.
6) They are not vain. They don't
waste time with the fake
jewellery of hobnobbing with
celebrities, being permitted to
shake the hand of a drunken
[judicial orator], the
exaggerated bonhomie of the
first person they meet at the
Salon, being the life and soul
of the bar ... They regard
phrases like 'I am a
representative of the Press!!'
-- the sort of thing one only
hears from [very minor
journalists] -- as absurd. If
they have done a brass
farthing's work they don't pass
it off as if it were 100 roubles'
by swanking about with their
portfolios, and they don't boast
of being able to gain admission
to places other people aren't
allowed in... True talent
always sits in the shade,
mingles with the crowd, avoids
the limelight ... As
said, the empty barrel makes
more noise than the full one.
7) If they do possess talent,
they value it ... They take
pride in it ... they know they
have a responsibility to exert a
civilizing influence on [others]
rather than aimlessly hanging
out with them. And they are
fastidious in their habits.
8) They work at developing their
aesthetic sensibility ...
Civilized people don't simply
obey their baser instincts ...
they require
mens sana in corpore sano (a
healthy mind in a healthy body).
And so on. That's what civilized
people are like ... Reading
Pickwick and learning a speech
from Faust by heart is not
enough if your aim is to become
a truly civilized person and not
to sink below the level of your
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