Close your eyes to open Your
Third Eye and see clearly.
* *
My End-of-Friday Affirmation
Two calmer days are coming. ...
Less fires to fight,
less distraction from my lower
more time to listen to my higher
self and, hopefully, open my
Third Eye and see the full
picture. ...
Prepare to win play
InnoBall simulation game with your high-level ideas to prepare
for their victorious implementation.
learning SWOT questions after every major innovative step into a
terra incognita. |
Wiser Questions, Greater
awakening questions is an
art and skill that may transform
your way of
thinking, help you achieve
greater results and grow as a
thought leader.
asking questions you reveal to
others and yourself what you
value, how you think, and what
you are curious about.
Change your life-purpose
questions, and you will change
your life.
Ask Why? What If? questions to
remove obstacles and explore new