Seek Higher Meanings
We all hold
genius within ourselves. We all have the potential to be
mega-creative, but…
Have you ever wondered why and how
some people see things differently than others? |
I too had to work hard,
so as not to have to work
hard any longer. |
Mozart |
Thinking: Understand, Ideate, Invent on Autopilot
Encourage you
Engage Your Light-Speed Superconscious Mind
Superconscious ideation on autopilot and
entrepreneurial serendipity start with formulating
an inspiring VISION and a compelling 'WHY’. Just
formulate your compelling WHY - and your inventive
HOW will guide you there.
Yes, your burning desire to make a big positive
difference in your life, the lives of those around
you, and your business is the difference that makes
the difference. This burning desire awakens your
light-speed superconscious mind that stretches your
thinking capabilities, awakens new parts of your
brain, and creates startling connections in a
systemic way.

Coaching by example
Holistic Creativity (HC) is a starting point of
macro-innovation and mega-innovation. I must see the
whole picture first and then visualize the whole
picture of the desired future state I want to
Then I use the 3Ws approach to HOLISTIC CREATIVITY:
Who: I see and feel myself as a Loving Creator and
think accordingly
What: I choose a metaphoric business design of my
value innovation (I tend to use the Fruit-Tree model
whenever applicable).
How: I make the universal and all-encompassing
forces of creative Yang and adaptive Yin to waltz up
toward the whole picture of the desired future I had
This simple Holistic-Creativity model works
wonderfully for me.
Would you like to try it for yourself and your
“Having mastered this type of light-speed thinking
decades ago and using it since then to discover and
invent far outside the box every night, now I
understand that what I use is not my subconscious
mind – it is an upper mind. Today I call it
superconscious thinking.” ~ Vadim Kotelnikov
Two Parts of Unconscious Mind: Subconscious and
Subconscious influences the present. Superconscious
helps invent the future.
Light-speed supraconscious thinking is a powerful
part of our mental operations. Most human behavior
is a mixed product of both conscious and unconscious
brain activity. Supraconscious thinking includes
both subconscious and superconscious thinking:
intuition, comprehension, creativity, enlightenment.
According to researchers, the supraconscious mind
processes information ~200M faster than the
conscious mind and thus can understand the nature of
hyper-complex things that the slow conscious mind is
unable to embrace.
Subconscious Mind. The term "subconscious" describes
associations and impulses that are not accessible to
consciousness. This means that the subconscious
controls our associations and impulses without our
conscious invitation to do so.
Superconscious Mind is often associated with
spirituality, higher self and higher states of
consciousness. The superconscious transcends
individuality, connecting us to collective wisdom
and universal truths.
Superconscious Thinking is a magic synergy of higher
self and unconscious thinking. Intuition,
highersight, supercreativity and superintelligence
are results of superconscious thinking that is
fueled by superpassion and a burning desire and is
directed by vision, mission and higher purpose.
Your Empowering Inner Genius
Superconscious Thinking is a magic synergy of higher
self and unconscious thinking.
Superconscious Thinking vs. Subconscious Mind
Functions of your subconscious mind and
superconscious thinking are very different. The
subconscious is a given that must be taken into
account. Superconscious thinking is your elusive
super-powerful tool that you can master.
Your subconscious mind controls your present
unconscious impulsive actions and shows you dreams
when you sleep.
Your supeconscious thinking is your inner genius
that empowers you to understand, discover, invent
and create on autopilot far outside the limits of
your conscious thinking. Thanks to superconscious
thinking you can find solutions to super-complex
problems or challenges your conscious mind is unable
to find.
Example: Here is the Albert Einstein’s method: “One
should never impose one's views on a problem; one
should rather study it, and in time a solution will
reveal itself... I think 99 times and find nothing.
I stop thinking, and the truth comes to me.”
Einstein thought 99 times consciously to awaken and
engage his light-speed superconscious mind.
How To Awaken and Engage Your Super-Conscious
To tap into your superconscious, you must have a
noble purpose, an inspiring dream, a burning desire
to turn your vision to reality, and an
entrepreneurial spirit. You must jump in and pursue
your overwhelming passion wholeheartedly. Daring
creative actions will turn you into a
super-inventive, super-intelligent and relentless
3 Supraconcious Light-Speed “Brothers” in Your Head
Supraconscious is an adjective and noun that means
beyond or above consciousness. It means existing or
functioning above the level of the conscious,
rational, or logical.
Light-speed means operating much-much faster than
conscious thinking. Some researchers estimate that
the supraconscious mind works around 200M times
Subconscious mind is our deeper self that empowers
our past experiences to influence our present
behavior, spontaneous reactions, and night dreams.
Supeconscious mind is associated with our higher
self, spiritual growth, superconsciousness and
Superconscious thinking is a super-powerful elusive
tool that allows those who mastered it to gain
highersight, discover and see what others cannot,
and invent and create the future while striving for
imagined results. Super-Conscious Thinking is the
genius within you that needs to be awakened and
engaged on autopilot either permanently or whenever
there is a pressing need to discover and/or invent
something that the conscious mind is incapable to
address effectively enough.
Coaching by Example: “Having mastered superconscious
thinking decades ago and using it since then I
discover far outside the box and invent innovative
complex breakthrough solutions every day and night
on autopilot.” ~ Vadim Kotelnikov
3Ws of SuperConscious Thinking
Why (drivers): overwhelming passion, noble purpose,
burning desire.
Where (direction): inspiring vision, imagined
results, stretch goals.
How (process): alternating hard conscious thinking
and mental relaxation.