
Harmonious Relationships


Benefits of Rapport Building

Great relationships and influencing yourself and others

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim




How To Build Wonderful Relationships advice quotes Vadim Kotelnikov India Innompic Games united nationals  

Rapport is sympathy between people or groups. It is a key to connecting with people, harmonious relationships, building trust, influencing and persuading people, effective collaboration, and relationship marketing.

Your People Skills




Foundation of Good Relationships

Having rapport as a foundation for the relationship means that when there are issues to discuss, you already have a culture in place that makes it easier to talk them through and thus to prevent issues from developing into complaints, objections or problems.



Vadim Kotelnikov

To build wonderful relationships,
be a shawl of empathy, a shower of joy,
and a well of inspiration.

Vadim Kotelnikov personal logo



Rapport two levels higher self behavior  

The Key To Influence

To influence you have to appreciate and understand the other person's standpoint. It starts with acceptance of the other person's point of view, their state and their style of communication. These work both ways: you can influence the other person only if you're open to influence yourself.




The Key to Building Trust

Rapport is achieved when two people can see the other person's viewpoint, appreciate each other's feelings, and be on the same wavelength. We all have different maps of reality – ways in which we perceive the world – and we can only really understand people who look at the world the way we do.



Empathy quotes how to understand people Vadim Kotelnikov Dennis father and son  

Taking the other person's perceptual position will help you achieve rapport and build trust. People open up to you more easily and give you their trust if they feel understood.

Your People Skills




Loving Customer Relationships

Show your existing customers more loving if you want them to love you back. Think beyond mere customer service or customer retention to generate greater benefits. Strive to delight your customers throughout the entire relationship journey, love your customers to get them to love you... More



Community-wide rapport, passionate team  

Community-wide Rapport

Community-wide rapport is friendship and mutual sympathy effective and operative throughout the whole community. Its pleasures structure spiritual, moral and collaborative interactions between individuals in such a way that all parties enjoy it and benefit from it. Example





Keep growing!




Vadim Kotelnikov

If you stop learning,
you stop creating history and become history.

Vadim Kotelnikov personal logo



NLP Psychology of Excellence PowerPoint slides for teachers, e-book for self-learning  

People Skills

Short Course to Human Relationships

Connecting with People

Cross-cultural Trust

NLP Skills

Explore Your Relationships

Planet of Loving Creators

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Cross-Cultural Unity