Establishing Fast Decision-Making Process

Your guiding principles will help you

stay on course, keep going, and make better and faster decisions.

If you have a set of guiding principles, any proposed new course of action – company initiative, new product, or new direction – would need to answer only one question:

 – Does it fit our firm's guiding principles?


Guiding Principles Dennis Kotelnikov Shared Values Core Competencies Create Your Vision Vision, Mission, Strategy Strategic Intent Never Give Up Fast Decision Making: Weighted Criteria Stay Focused Guiding Principles: Why and What, Dennis Kotelnikov  

Coaching by Example


I create Weighted Guiding Principles for all my World-changing ventures, with Innompic Games being a civilizational breakthrough.

Innompic Games  

Formulation of Weighted Guiding Principles is also a part of IG contests.





Why Guiding Principles?

Defining your shared beliefs, values and guiding principles is important to running a successful business.

Fast companies that have demonstrated the ability to sustain surge and velocity all have established sets of guiding principles to help them provide strategic alignment and make quick decisions.

Abandoning bureaucratic procedures in favor of a practical, a down-to-earth list of guiding principles will help your company make the decision-making process much faster. Only one question will need to be asked of any proposed course of action: Does it fit our guiding principles?




Guiding Principles Defined

Guiding principles are the law that serves as a basis of reasoning and action, a personal code of conduct that leads, shows the way and directs the movements of your organization. Guiding principles are a broad philosophy that guides you organization throughout its life in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or the top management.

A set of guiding principles has value and makes you faster only if the do the things this definition implies.




Living the Guiding Principles

A simple set of guiding principles for making strategic decisions should be shared by everyone in the organization. They should be lived first and then enforced.

Example: Facebook

If people have access to more information and are more connected, it will make the world better; people will have more understanding, more empathy. That’s the guiding principle for Mark Zuckerberg and all other Facebook leaders that keeps them going.  >>  More examples




Value Mantra  Innompic Games icon  Case Studies

A value mantra is a 3-5 word shorthand encapsulation of your customer-focused intent.  Your value mantra must be a deeply resonant piece of your company's DNA and a core guiding principle for making strategic decisions... More