Glossary: Master Keys










Resourcefulness is the ability to be efficiently effective and find creative and innovative high-impact solutions to overcome challenges and achieve stretch goals, even when resources are limited.

Resourcefulness involves thinking outside the box, leveraging existing resources in unconventional ways, and being proactive in seeking new opportunities.




Entrepreneurial Super-Creativity

Aeipathy, highly desirable stretch goals, creative confidence, and can-do attitude launch light-speed superconscious thinking in the right direction, inspire super-creativity and awaken super-resourcefulness.

Entrepreneurial creativity is about coming up with value-rich creative solutions followed by entrepreneurial action. It makes resourcefulness productive.



Dance of 3 Creativities

Entrepreneurial Creativity

Ask Learning SWOT Questions




7Ss of Business Growth 10+

Growth 10+ is a strategy aimed at driving significant business growth, supported by three main components: People 10+, the 80/20 Revolution, and the InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) venturepreneurial simulation game.

The 7Ss of Business Growth 10+ are Strategic intent, Systemic innovation, Synergies, Simulation games, Scaling up, Speed, and Sustained effort.


Business Growth 10+

7Ss of Business Growth 10+

Value Innovation

Exponential Business Growth

Exponential Business Model




Achieving More with Less

Action resulting from 80/20 Thinking can lead you to achieve much more with much less. The 80/20 Principle is inherently optimistic because it reveals a state of affairs that is seriously below what it should be and shows the direction towards a better state.


80/20 Principle

80/20 Rules helps achieve Growth 10+

Top 10 Business Uses

Higher Profits